St. Patrick’s Day Crafts and Activities You Can Do With Your Kids!


In my house, St. Patrick’s Day is one of those hugely overlooked holidays. Most years, if I am lucky, I remember to dress the kiddos in something green before I send them out the door. That is about as far as our festivies go. This year, I have been findning tons of cute and fun St. Patrick’s Day stuff and it has really gotten me excited for the holiday. Here are my top 10 favorite kid’s crafts and activities for St. Patrick’s Day. I hope they get you excited too!

I am lucky becauseI Am Lucky Because…

fruit-loops-rainbow-craftFruit Loop Rainbows

img_30451Paper Roll Shamrocks

Lucky Shamrock Wands aLucky Shamrock Wands

Picnik collage handprint rainbowsHandprint Rainbows

IMGP1021-1024x6831Shamrock Sprouts

garlandShamrock Garland

St_Patricks_Day_Scavenger_Hunt_12St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt

shamrock_manShamrock Man

xAgDnp-cScq3qlPlUmSBVgHandprint Shamrocks