Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel as low as $1.24 each after coupons!

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Cleaning the toilet is one of my LEAST favorite household tasks and I’m always on the hunt for things that will make it easier!  I LOVE Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel and right now you can get it for as low as $1.24 each after coupons and gift card at Target!

Click on the links below to print your coupons for this deal:

$.75 off 1 Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning gel printable coupon (ideally you need 3 of these, but you need access to two computers to get that many) 

$1 off 2 Scrubbing Bubbles products Target printable

Here’s the breakdown on this deal:

Buy 3 Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning gel – $3.99/each

Use 3 $.75 off 1 Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning gel printable coupons
Use $1 off 2 Scrubbing Bubbles Target coupon

Spend $8.72 OOP, get a $5 Target gift card
Final Price = $3.72 after coupons and gift card ($1.24 each)

NOTE: I keep a Target gift card on hand to “roll” into deals like this!

(Thanks Totally Target!)

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information.

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