Savings Saturday: what I added to my stockpile this week!

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On Wednesday, I posted about the 52 Week Savings Challenge and I also posted some tips for building your stockpile on a budget.  You can find out more about that here–> 52 Week Savings Challenge

This week, my Kroger sale is having a Mega sale and Tide is on sale for $4.99 when you buy 5 participating items.  There was a $1.50 off Tide coupon in the 12-30 PG insert, which makes Tide just $3.49 each, which is a stock up price for me!  I bought 10 and paid $34.90.  I saved $25 and I won’t have to buy laundry detergent again for at least 5 months.  By then, another deal will come along!

I decided to follow both food storage plans referenced in my 52 Week Savings Challenge post, so I also added 5 cans of Cream of Chicken soup.  The 98% fat free version was on sale 10/$10 at Kroger (which RARELY happens!) and I had a $1 off 5 catalina coupon, so I paid $.80 per can, which is less than I would pay for the store brand at Walmart!

I also added $3 for the 52 Week Savings Challenge and I even came in under budget for groceries for the week!

Here’s the FUN part!  I want to help three of you jump start your savings goals by giving you the $10 that you would need to save for this month’s challenge.  Use it to jump start the monthly challenge or to build your stockpile!  Enter to win here–> 52 Week Week Savings Challenge January Giveaway

I’d love to hear your stories about how you’re saving and building your stockpile, too!

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information


  1. Lee Edwards says:

    Thanks for the great bargain deals. I started the new year by using coupons again and was able to add some lunch foods to my stockpile.

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