Procter & Gamble has a GREAT rebate offer. You get a P&G Year of Savings coupon booklet by mail when you spend $50 on participating P&G products. The $50 is BEFORE any coupons you may use, so with the Gillette razor deal at Walgreens this week and the Olay deal at Target, you should be able to reach your $50 pretty quickly without having to spend a lot of money out of pocket. I got one of these coupon books last year and it was AWESOME with lots of high dollar coupons for P&G products that we use regularly!
Here are the details:
1. Spend $50 on any P&G products between 2/1/2010 and 4/15/2010. (Remember this is before coupons have been applied!)
2. Circle the P&G products and their corresponding prices on your original cash register receipt(s) – they do not have to all be on one receipt!
3. Print the form and fill it out.
4. Mail your completed form with the original, dated sales receipt(s) and product purchase prices circled in a stamped envelope to:
P&G Year of Savings
Dept W
PO Box 460643
El Paso, TX 88546-0643
5. You can check the status of your rebate here.