Thanks to My Blog Spark for this opportunity!
Here is some background history on the Spoonful of Stories program and the contest:
Over the past seven years, Cheerios Spoonfuls of Stories has given away more than 35 million children’s books by distributing them free inside cereal boxes and has donated nearly $3 million to First Book, their non-profit partner, which provides books to children from low-income families.
In addition to encouraging children to read, Cheerios is looking for anyone interested in writing children’s books. Now in its third year, the Cheerios Spoonfuls of Stories New Author Contest is a way to encourage previously unpublished, up-and-coming children’s book authors and to continue to nurture a love of reading. Entries are being accepted March 16 through July 15, 2009 and will be judged on appropriate story and content for children ages 3-8, emotional connection, writing quality, uniqueness, and read-aloud potential. More details on the contest can be found at
I have always loved reading and I have enjoyed being able to pass that love on to my children. Story time is a regular occurrence in our home and we also enjoy trips to the library. Our family received four copies of some of these books courtesy of Cheerios and My Blog Spark. The titles we received were: Monkey and Me, Duck for President, The Great Dog Wash, and When Dinosaurs Came With Everything. Both of my kids love monkeys and so Monkey and Me was the first book that they wanted to read. We have read all of them several times now – all of the stories are very cute. The books are softcover and fit easily into a diaper bag or purse when you’re on the go (perfect for visits to the doctor’s office when you’re trying to entertain kids while sitting in the waiting room).
My Blog Spark has also given me the opportunity to give away one of these sets to one of my readers! Here are the giveaway details:
The contest will run from now until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, 6/28/09. The winner will be chosen via and notified Monday morning. You will have 48 hours to provide me with your contact information. Here’s how you can enter to win:
1. Share the titles of YOUR favorite children’s books. Right now, our family absolutely loves Where is Baby’s Belly Button?, Alice the Fairy and Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!
2. Sign up to follow my blog (if you are already following my blog, you automatically get an entry!) or subscribe to my blog (if you subscribe, please post a comment to let me know that you have subscribed – you also need to “verify” your subscription).
3. Create a post on your blog letting others know about the giveaway and link back to my blog. Be sure to comment here with a link to your post!
Please create a separate post for each of your entries. If you win, you need to provide me with some way to contact you. If your profile is public with a link to your blog, that works. Otherwise, watch the blog closely on Monday, 6/29.
(If you post a comment as “anonymous” you need to include some sort of identifying information or your entry will not be valid)