Swagbucks has added a new way to earn more bucks! Check out Swagbucks Games (you can access it from the link on the left hand side of the home page) and earn bucks just for playing games! It’s also Mega Swagbucks Friday! Typically, Swagbucks are awarded in increments ranging from 10-30, but on Fridays, you can earn even more and they give out Swagbucks in bigger amounts!
If you’re not familiar with Swagbucks, you earn “Swagbucks” by searching online and your Swagbucks can then be redeemed for gift cards or other prizes and merchandise. I typically redeem mine for Amazon gift cards. I used them to pay for a number of Christmas gifts this year, but also used them to buy things our family needed like Pull Ups, batteries, a booster seat, razor cartridges, and books.
If you haven’t joined Swagbucks yet, now is a great time. You’ll earn 70 Swagbucks when you sign up here and enter the code SBGames! Please Note: The code IS case sensitive! You only have until 11:59 pm (PST) tonight (1/14) to take advantage of this offer and earn the bonus bucks (you’ll earn 30 bucks still for signing up after this time).
Whether you’re new to Swagbucks or signing up for the first time, here are some tips for making the most of your account:
*Do the Daily Poll every day and earn one buck (you can access this from the link on the left side of the main page)
*Visit Trusted Surveys every day – you’ll earn one buck just for visiting and you may earn even more for completing surveys!
*Check out the No Obligation Special Offers – you don’t have to complete any offers, but you will earn one buck just for scrolling through them!
*Watch Swag TV – you earn points just for watching funny videos!
*Do a few searches every day until you win at least once. I search for things that I would normally be searching for online anyway and I have found that I can easily earn 10-30 Swagbucks each day by doing this. Your searches do need to be “natural” searches. If it does not seem like your searches are legitimate, they may freeze or even close your account.
*If you have a Facebook account, become a “fan” of Swagbucks on Facebook. Click here to do this. If you check out the wall, there are bonus codes posted from time to time that you can add to your account. (To add bonus codes, log into Swagbucks, and then click on the icon that says “You have X Swagbucks.” There will be a box that says this: Have a SwagCode? Just enter it here and receive your SwagBucks instantly! Enter your code and click GIMME!)
*Publish your Swagbucks winnings on Facebook – when you “win” a buck, you now have the option of posting your win on Facebook. It shows up on your profile and it’s another way to promote your Swagbucks account (and get more ‘friends’)
*Read the Swagbucks blog (you can access this here). Bonus codes are posted here, as well.
*Sign up for the Swagbucks newsletter. They send bonus codes embedded in the newsletter, so it’s an easy way to earn extra Swagbucks!
*Download the Swagbucks Toolbar onto your internet browser – Click on the “toolbars” option on the left hand side of the website after you log in and follow the instructions! (you will earn one buck each day just for using the toolbar)
*Post the Swidget on your blog or your Facebook page. You can download it here.
*Tell all your friends – When your friends sign up under you, you win when they win for the first 1000 Swagbucks (this does not include any Swagcodes that they enter)
I have found that I typically earn at least 30 Swagbucks per day just by doing the things listed above. That adds up to 900 Swagbucks in one month’s time (or 2 $5 Amazon gift cards!). I work full time and I only do searches from home (non working hours) and I’m able to do this, so it isn’t something that you have to spend a lot of time on, but you should easily be able to earn $120 in Amazon gift cards in a year’s time. If you’d rather have gift cards for somewhere else, that would give you enough to cash out for $100 in Target gift cards (these can only be used online) or for 8 $10 Starbucks gift cards. If your goal is to do a 100% Cash Christmas next year, this will help you!
*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information.