GIVEAWAY: Dinner is on me (win restaurant gift cards!)

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When you’re on a tight budget, it’s hard to justify spending money to eat out, but every now and then, it’s nice to have a night off from cooking!  Three lucky winners will get dinner on me!

I’ll be giving away the following prizes to three lucky winners:

  • $50 gift card
  • $20 Paypal Cash
  • $10 Domino’s Pizza gift card

Click here to enter to win–> Dinner’s on Me Entry Form

The giveaway starts tonight (4/2/2012) and runs through 4/16/2012 at 11:59 p.m ET.  Limit of one entry per method per individual. Multiple entries will result in disqualification. The winner will be chosen using and will be notified via e-mail by 4/18/2012. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen. You must be 18 or older to enter to win and this giveaway is available to residents of the US only. Void where prohibited. This giveaway is not sponsored or endorsed by, Paypal, Domino’s Pizza, or Facebook in an way. It is sponsored solely by my blog as a thank you to you guys for being such great fans!



  1. I’d LOVE to win any of these, though at the moment I’d probably prefer a Paypal credit over the other two, I wouldn’t argue with any of them. Money has been really tight lately!

  2. Mary Yeager says:

    No comment place on the other page for me so I am putting my answer here. I’d either like the restaurant gift card or the 20 paypal cash. Tough choice sometimes. lol

  3. Candace says:

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. susan lillard says:

    I would like to win the $50 card

  5. mary mcmenamy says:

    I would like to win the paypal cash

  6. Angela s says:

    I am hoping to win the Paypal.

  7. i would like to win the paypal or the 50 GC to restaurant!! thanks so much for the great giveaways you do!!

  8. Id love the prize.

  9. Dawn Sando says:

    I would be happy to win any of the three prizes!! The Paypal cash would definitely help us a lot!!! Thanks for the chance to win!! 🙂

  10. Paypal 🙂

  11. Kathryn says:

    I’d love the gift card. Thanks!

  12. Dawn Valentine says:

    The $50 gift card would be awesome! We could finally take my parents out to dinner!

  13. darlene bohannon says:

    i would like the 20.00 paypal cash. there is no place to comment beneath the rafflecopter form ,so im commenting here

  14. Allison (Allie Lanc on Rafflecopter) says:

    I would love to win the $20 Paypal cash, but the $10 Dominos gift card would be nice too! Thanks for the chance!

  15. Michelle Macaluso says:

    I would like to win the paypal cash

  16. Would like to win the paypal cash!!

  17. Lorna England says:

    I’d love to win ANY GC for free eats!! I’d especially like the $50. GC! Thank you for the chance to win! 🙂

  18. Jaimie A says:

    I hope to win the $20 Paypal cash. Thank you so much!

  19. I’m hoping for the Domino’s Pizza!

  20. Shirley says:

    I’d like to win the paypal cash.

  21. I’d love the PayPal cash!

  22. The $20 paypal cash. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  23. The PayPal would be best!
    Tam S.

  24. Rebecca Parsons says:

    I would love the Domino’s Gift Card

  25. Id like to win the restaurant gift card the most.

  26. Chrystal S says:

  27. I’d like to win the $20 Paypal cash.

  28. Calshondra Williams says:

    I would be happy to win any of the prizes!! The $20 Paypal cash or the $10 Dominos gift card would definitely help my family a lot!!! Thanks for the giveaway and opportunity to win.

  29. Kathrine says:

    Thank you for this giveaway. It would be nice to take my boyfriend out on a date, I would choose the card. =)

  30. Gisele Phipps says:

    I would be thrilled to win any but the most helpful to me would be the PayPal cash. Money is tight and I am always seeing things from Facebook vendors I wish I could get for my granddaughter. Thank you so much for the opportunity to dream about the possibilities!

  31. Cindy B says:

    Who wouldn’t want to win a free dinner! I WOULD.

  32. The restaurant card or the Paypal or … Hey I’m good with anything!

  33. Brenda C says:

    dominos or the paypal.. im in love with the new artisian pizzas

  34. Tips From A Mom of 3 says:

    I would like the Pay Pal (1st choice) or Domino’s. Thanks!

  35. Alicia K says:

    i;d love to win the paypal cash

  36. Donna George says:

    I’d love to win the paypal cash

  37. I would be happy with any of the 3 but my hubby would want Dominos. Thank you for the chance.

  38. Diane Zielinski says:

    I hope to win the 20 paypal cash.

  39. Jude Skocki Kelly says:

    I would like the paypal cash

  40. Stephanie MacDonald says:

    $10 dominos pizza gift card!

  41. Jessica Sheffield says:

    I’d be thrilled with any of them but paypal is always a winner in my book 🙂

  42. Sara Logan says:

    I hope to win the $20 Paypal cash!

  43. Linda Meyers-Gabbard says:

    I’d like the $20 paypal

  44. sherry warlick says:

    I would love to win the $20 paypal, I would use it to go to my favorite restaurant.

  45. Maria B. says:

    I would love to win the pay pal cash 🙂


  46. Stephanie Huff says:

    Any and all, lol, but I’d take the $20 Paypal.

  47. Michelle Westerfield says:

    I’d love any of them but the $50 to would ROCK

  48. Cyndee Thomas says:

    A Restaurant gift card would be a heck of a win for me! It means a lot as with my budget… I can’t afford a nice meal out. 🙁

  49. Paypal first then Dominos second, and last only because there is only one place here that accepts it.

  50. Sherry Fowler says:

    i would be happy with all of them

  51. chelesa sims says:

    i like them all but i prefer the $50 GC because in my house we love food

  52. Sandra Brower says:

    $20 Paypal Cash!! 🙂

  53. I’m hoping to win the Paypal.

  54. James Van Hooser says:

    I would prefer the paypal cash.

  55. Jason Crooks says:

    They would all come in handy. You can’t go wrong with free food or money. I have a lot of people’s birthday’s coming up so the $50 gift card would come in handy.

  56. I would be happy with any of them but I would pick the restaurant and then the pay pal.

  57. Annmarie W. says:

    I’d love to win the Paypal or the Domino’s GC the most (since there aren’t a lot of great restaurants in my area participating in the program).

  58. hoping to win the $20 Paypal…thanks for the chance!


  59. kristie belding says:

    I would like to win the $50 gift card!

  60. I hope to win the Paypal cash! Thank you!

  61. I would love the restaurant or dominos gc I don’t have a papal acct thank u! Good luck everyone!

  62. Devona Fryer says:

    $50 gift card

  63. Rachel Miller says:

    All great prizes…I’d say I’d choose Paypal first, but I could use a slice of pizza right now 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  64. Tracy Awalt Juliano says:

    Any of them would be awesome… but the PayPal cash would be super awesome 🙂

  65. Rachel Robertson (Azrael) says:


  66. I would really like the paypal cash

  67. Shannon Pickin says:

    Domino’s 🙂

  68. ellen levickis says:

    My favorite of the 3 is the paypal cash

  69. Kristie Betts says:

    I would like to win the gift card

  70. stephanie miller says:

    i need the cash, but would love the restaurant gift card! LOL

  71. I would choose the paypal cash because we don’t eat out but they’re great prizes ~thanks for a great giveaway.

  72. amanda roach says:

    the reasturant card would be nice.

  73. Rochelle Roy says:

    I’d love the gift card. Thanks for the chance!

  74. Amy Adams says:

    I would love the restaurant gift card, but would be happy winning anything of the three! Thank you very much!!

  75. The restaurant card would be great.

  76. They all sound yummy, but I’d choose the paypal $$! 🙂

  77. I’d like any of them! Probably the paypal most. Thanks!

  78. Teresa Moore says:

    I like them all, but if I had to choose, I choose the pizza.

  79. Christine says:

    I’d like to win the restaurant gift card!

  80. I’d love to win the Paypal cash – I’m always using Paypal online.

  81. Would love the restaurant gift card thank you!

  82. I would like to win the paypal.

  83. mallory welch says:

    i would love to win the paypal!

  84. i would like $50 gift card. Thanks

  85. I would really like the paypal cash!!! Mommy needs a new pair of shoes.. Hehe

  86. Stephanie says:

    The PayPal cash would be nice to win! 🙂

  87. Natalie Seim says:

    I would love to win the paypal or the Dominos!

  88. Nicole McMillan says:

    I would love to win any of them, but if I had to pick just one I would chose the paypal.

  89. jennifer speed says:

    I am hoping to win the $50 gift card

  90. Carolsue says:

    The Paypal $20 would be super!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  91. Janice Cooper says:

    I like all of them but if I would choose the Paypal cash.

  92. JR Pickett (Vicki Vix on r/c form) says:

    They’re all great prizes but if I had to choose I’d pick the $20 Paypal cash. Thanks for the giveaway.

  93. Madeline says:

    I’d love to win the Paypal prize.

  94. I would like the ■$10 Domino’s Pizza gift card
    Any of them would be fine.

  95. I would love to win the paypal prize

  96. Any of the prizes would be great, but I’d pick the $50!

  97. Kelly Burroughs Crowell says:

    I’d love to win the Amazon because I’m saving up for the holidays (starting early this year) but any of them would be fabulous 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway,
    Kelly Burroughs Crowell – kjb1977 at live dot com

  98. I’d hope to win the Paypal Cash.

  99. The GC. Thanks!

  100. 1 $20 Paypal
    2 $10 Dominos GC

  101. I’d llove to win the paypal

  102. Erin Lawrence says:

    Would love to win the PayPal! Thanks!

  103. Heather R says:

    I would love the $10 Dominos GC!

  104. I am not particular. I will take any of them. Each prize is money I won’t have to spend, so i can’t complain either way.

  105. Lisa Cal says:

    $20 paypal cash!

  106. Farrah Shumway says:

    I hope to win the $50 gift card so my hubby & I can go out to eat. Although it would be great to win any of the 3. Thanks!

  107. The paypal gc!

  108. Amanda J. says:

    I hope to win the paypal!

  109. Chrissy R. says:

    So tough to pick the one I want the MOST…probably the restaurant card but really any of them would be awesome!!

  110. Allison Marie says:

    I’d love the paypal cash!

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