Coupons to have on hand

Here are some coupons that are worth stocking up on from this week’s inserts:

*Softsoap – .35/1 (expires 2/21/09) – if you have Kroger (and your Kroger triples coupons), these go on sale 10/$10 all of the time, so they will be free after coupon!

*Carnation Instant Breakfast – $1/1 (this is a Target coupon) (expires 3/7/09) – there are $1/1 manufacturer’s blinkies in my grocery stores, so if I pair the blinkie with the Target coupon, the boxes or the big canister (which I buy because we go through so much) will be $3.49

*Colgate Total – $1/1 (expires 2/21/09) – these are always good to have on hand for Walgreens/CVS toothpaste deals

*Duncan Hines brownies – .35/1 (expires 5/31/09) – these are great if your grocery stores double or triple, especially with such a late expiration date because you can wait for a great sale and stock up

*Juicy Juice – $1/2 (expires 3/7/09) – this is a Target coupon which will combine well with the $1/1 manufacturer’s coupon

*Lean Cuisine – $2/5 (expires 3/7/09) – this is a Target coupon which will combine well with the $1/2 manufacturer’s printables

If you want to get multiple copies of coupons, my favorite place to get them from is The Coupon Clippers. The link is here: