Another reason to love Target: Price matching!!!

If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know that I’m a big Target fan. I’m lucky enough to have one that is just minutes from my house and for the most part, pretty coupon friendly.

For the most part, I shop at my local grocery stores because several of them will double and triple coupons and they offer a number of other great promotions that make it worth my while. Every now and then, though, some of the stores that I don’t shop at as often (I’m fortunate also in that I have five different grocery chains in proximity to my house) has a killer deal and with two kids in tow, it’s not always easy to go to an extra store for one or two items.

I know a lot of you price match at Walmart and now Target has introduced price matching! I almost missed this in my ad because the print was so small and in the center of the page. Here are the details: “We’ll match the price found in any competitor’s printed ad for an identical product. Applied to current, local print ads for in-store products. See guest services for details.” I know that Walmart will allow you to buy their store brand of items as a substitute when a store is offering a deal on their store brand products. I’m not sure how this will work with Target yet, but I am excited 🙂

For the rest of the Target deals for the week, check out this post here.


  1. Here's the 411 on the Price Matching:

    Make sure and read it. You have to bring in the ACTUAL ad to price match, along with a few other things.