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Are you prepared for anything? What about a flood? Tornado? or even a home invasion? Do you have the necessary supplies to keep your family safe? I always thought we were pretty well prepared for all of those things until I completed my FREE Home Risk Analysis a few weeks ago and now I know that there are several areas that need improvement!
MBIntel has designed an online tool called MyIntel that you can use to determine how secure you and your family are and give you suggestions on how to increase your security. You can take the FREE MyIntel Home Risk Assesment and see where you stand! You can read my full review here–> Free MBIntel Home Risk Assessment
If you choose to upgrade, you can save $10 with the coupon code MomBuzz!
Special thanks to MBIntel who has sponsored this giveaway and to
Mom Buzz Media Bloggers for hosting!
One lucky winner will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card! Open to US and Canada, giveaway ends 11:59pm on 4/21. Good Luck!
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