Veggie Tales DVD for $3.99 shipped!

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If your kids love Veggie Tales, you’ll love this offer!  You can get a FREE Veggie Tales DVD (you do have to pay shipping, which is $3.99).

Here are the titles that you can choose from:

  • Abe and the Amazing Promise
  • Esther:  The Girl who Became Queen
  • Girl Power Triple Feature Veggie Tales DVD
  • Happy Together:  Triple Feature DVD
  • Silly Little Thing Called LOVE

Here’s how you can grab this deal for yourself:

1.  Click on the blue “Shop Now” button here–>Veggie Tales FREE DVD offer 

2.  Log in to your Veggie Tales account or create one if you don’t have one already

3.  Search for one of the titles listed above and add it to your cart

4.  Enter the code VEGGIECFA at check-out (this will deduct the total cost of the DVD!)  You will need to pay $3.99 for shipping and you can add additional items and no additional shipping charges will apply!

While you’re there, check out all of the other great offers they’ve got!  You will get 4% cash back for shopping through!  If you are new to, you will also get a $5 cash back bonus just for signing up!

Here are a few deals I spotted:  these were on the main page when I signed in

Little Drummer Boy DVD combo pack – includes The Little Drummer Boy and Saint Nicholas for just $14.99!

Bob Lends a Helping Hand and Larry Learns to Listen combo Pack – just $20!

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information




  1. THIS LINK IS AWESOME! I just ordered 3 dvds for $12! These will make great Christmas gifts! Thanks!!! 🙂

  2. Where do you put the code its not giving me a place?

    • There is a place at check-out to enter the code. I can’t remember exactly where because I did it a few days ago but it says something about “promotional code”

  3. I was able to use the code and “purchase” Happy Together Triple feature FREE (including shipping)


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