Toys ‘R Us: Toy Story 3 Operation only $1 + other Hasbro game deals!

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Toys ‘R Us has a **HOT** sale on Hasbro games that starts today!  You can get Toy Story Operation for just $1!

The Toy Story Operation deal is advertised in their weekly ad, so if your store is sold out, you can always take your ad to Target or Walmart to price match.  Or you can just head to Target or Walmart before Toys ‘R Us even opens to try to beat the crowds and make sure you grab the game!

If you want to build up your game closet or you just want to have some games on hand for gifts, they also have a promotion going this week where you will get a $10 Toys ‘R Us gift card when you spend $35 on Hasbro games or a $15 Toys ‘R Us gift card when you spend $50 on Hasbro games.  They’ve got your family’s favorite Hasbro games priced at $5, $10, $15, and $20!  This is one of my favorite sales every year.  Your gift card can be “rolled” back into the promotion, too, although you sometimes have to wait a fwe hours for the gift card to be activated.

Make sure you sign up for a Rewards ‘R Us card before you go if you haven’t already.  It’s FREE and you’ll get 10% back on all your Toys ‘R Us purchases through 12/24/11!  This is another favorite promotion that Toys ‘R Us offers each year!

If you’re looking for a fun gift idea, check out this post here to find out how you can make a game and movie night basket for under $10 (PLEASE NOTE:  The Skittles coupon and promotion is “old” but movie theater candy is almost always priced 3/$3 at Walgreens and Kroger)–>Christmas Gifts on a Budget:  Family game and movie night basket for under $10

(Thanks Time4Deals!)

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information


  1. we don’t have a toys r us around here 🙁 wish i could get my hands on the ad…then I could take it to walmart. I may call walmart and tell them of the ad and see what they will do..thanks for the FYI on this one.


  1. […] this morning, I posted about a sale that Toys ‘R Us is having where you can get Toy Story Operation for just $1!  I’ve got great news!  This sale is available online, too AND you can get cash […]