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If you have a Children’s Place Outlet store near you, The Children’s Place flip flops are on sale for $.99! PLUS, there’s a 20% off savings code, which makes them just $.79 after coupon! There is a limit of 5 pairs per person.
Click here to print your savings pass–> The Children’s Place Outlet 20% off coupon (it’s valid on everything in the store!)
This offer is valid IN STORE only, while supplies last. If you don’t have a Children’s Place outlet, they are also priced at $1 per pair in regular retail stores, and there is a 20% off coupon. This coupon is different from the outlet coupon. Print it here–> The Children’s Place 20% off coupon
There are SO many cute things you can do with flip flops! My daughter and I made these Flower Flip Flops for 4th of July last year. Grab several pairs and have a cheap girls craft day at your house!
Old Navy also has $5 swimwear for the whole family today only, so if you’re headed to the mall anyway, make sure you check that sale out, too!
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