The Best Deals on Disney’s The Princess and the Frog

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My daughter has been waiting for this movie to be released for weeks.  I have to admit, I’m a little bit excited, too.  I was thinking about saving this for her Easter basket or her birthday, but I can’t wait, either, so we’ll be watching it as part of a family movie night tonight.  I posted about this deal last week, but thought I’d share it again since today is the day! 

Here’s a breakdown of the best deals on the movie:  (I searched prices online for Best Buy, Target, Toys ‘R Us, and Walmart and these were the best prices – if you have seen a better price somewhere else, let me know!)

Target ~ The Blu Ray combo pack is priced at $26.99.  Get it for $16.99 using the $10 Princess and the Frog Blu Ray Combo pack printable coupon (the combo pack includes the regular DVD and the Blu Ray).  The “regular” DVD widescreen version will be priced at $15.99.  Get it for $10.99 using the $5 Princess and the Frog printable coupon.  If you take advantage of the two rebate offers listed below, you can get the Blu Ray combo pack for $6.99 after rebates or the regular DVD for just $.99 after rebates!

Toys ‘R Us ~ The Blu Ray combo pack will be priced at $26.99 and the regular DVD will be priced at $15.99 so you can get them for $16.99 or $10.99 after coupon just like you can at Target. 

CVS ~ The Princess and the Frog regular DVD is priced at $19.99 and you get a $3 ECB when you buy it.  Use the $5 printable coupon and you end up spending $11.99 after coupon and ECBs.

Here’s the scoop on the rebate offers that tie in with this deal:  (photocopies of the movie receipt are acceptable for both offers!)

*Buy 2 participating Band Aid products and the Princess and the Frog and get a $5 MIR!  You can get Band Aids at Walgreens and Target for free or close to free this week!

*Buy Disney’s Princess and the Frog and one or more rolls of FrogTape, get a $5 MIR!
Have you seen the movie yet?  What did you think?


  1. Post Grad says:

    I figured I'd like it. Thought it would be cute. I loved it! I'm definitely going to take advantage of this deal! Thanks for posting all of them!

  2. We liked it! My kids are young, 6 and 4, and are usually scared of any slightly scary part of movies. They did fine with this one. I even enjoyed it too. I liked the music in it.

  3. I can't find the $5 coupon. Everytime I click on the link it gives me the $10 coupon for the blueray disc. What am I doing wrong?

  4. I corrected the link – we were having issues with our internet connection this morning and I think it messed up my cutting and pasting the link! Here's the link also: