Tasty Treat Tuesday: Snickers Brownie Bites

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snickers brownie bitesHere is a little tip for all my loved ones out there… I love Snickers!  The only thing I love more than Snickers?  Brownies!  If you put the two together, then you have pure deliciousness.   I just thought I would throw that out there in case anyone needed ideas for Valentine’s Day.  If anyone else out there feels the same as I do, then check out this amazing recipe for Snickers Brownie Bites.  Thanks to The Domestic Rebel for the recipe!

Here’s what you need to make these:

  • 1 box brownie mix, plus ingredients on back of box
  • 1 jar marshmallow fluff
  • 1 cup smooth peanut butter
  • 1 pkg Kraft caramels, unwrapped
  • 1 Tbsp heavy cream
  • 1 & 1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts
  • 1/2 pkg chocolate Candiquik or milk chocolate almond bark

Here’s how to make them -> Snickers Brownie Bites Tutorial


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