Tasty Treat Tuesday: Monkey Bread

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Eating monkey bread is a huge tradition in my husband’s family.  When we got married it was important for me to find a good recipe so I could carry on that tradition.  I don’t have the best of luck when it comes to baking breads so I needed a recipe that required as little effort from me as possible.  Seriously, if it requires yeast then I am going to find a way to ruin it… even with an automatic bread machine.  This recipe is both super yummy and super easy.  My kids love taking turns putting the dough into place and any time I can get them involved in the cooking process and learning, I feel like I am succeeding as a mom.

Here is what you will need:

4 cans refrigerated biscuits
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 sticks
butter (3/4 cup)
1/2 cup white sugar
2 Tablespoons cinnamon
1/2 cup
raisins (these are optional, it’s great with or without them)

Here is a link to the recipe -> Monkey Bread Recipe

NOTE:  This awesome recipe is brought to you by my sister Melinda, who will be bringing us even more great recipe and craft ideas as well as grocery store match-ups and the nightly round-up!  I also have to tell you that my family loves monkey bread, too!

Photo Credit:  MomsWhoThink



  1. Great! I’ll have to try it out.

  2. I just drooled looking at it. We make out with 2 rolls of rhodes frozen bread dough instead and love it 100x more but I think I gain 5 lbs every time I make it because it’s sooo delicious!

  3. This is the same recipe my Mom always made when we were kids! Great treat!!!


  1. […] Monkey bread (see the picture above – doesn’t that look DELICIOUS?) […]

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