Redbox Freebie code round-up!

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I post a lot of Blockbuster Express codes and yesterday someone asked for some Redbox codes:  Pauline – these are for you (and everyone else, too!)

Here are a few other promotional codes that may work at Redbox if you haven’t used them before:(you can use them once per credit card)  Redbox now carries Blu Ray movies, too.  Blu Ray rentals are $1.50/each, so these codes will deduct $1.

BREAKROOM (works at McDonald’s)


For use at Walgreens only: DVDATWAG
For use at Kroger family of stores only:  DVDKROG
For use at McDonald’s only: DVDATMAC
For use at Walmart only: WALMART
For use at HEB stores only: REDBOXHEB

**You can use each of these codes once per card (you do have to swipe a credit or debit card to “rent” the movie and you will be charged $1 per night if you do not return the movie before 9 p.m. the following day).
To learn more about Redbox (or to find a location, see what’s available, or reserve a selection online), check out their blog here and their site here.

If you know of any other Redbox free codes, let me know! If any of these codes are no longer working, please let me know!  What are you going to rent with your free rental code?

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information


  1. Thanks for this we love rebox going to try some of these codes and let you know if they work.

  2. WalMart one doesnt work hun

  3. virginia says:

    The DVDATWAG did not work today when I tried it


  1. Free Rental Codes for redbox | Shopping Tips and Tricks says:

    […] Melissa’sBargains! […]

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