Printable Coupon Alert: $1/5 Hot Pockets breakfast coupon!

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There is a new printable coupon for $1 off 5 Hot pockets or Lean Pockets breakfast items.  These typically run between $1.78 and $2 at my stores (Target, Walmart, Kroger, etc.), so they would be $1.58-$1.80 each after coupon.  Printable coupons for Hot Pockets products don’t come along very often and always disappear quickly!

Hurry and print your coupon here before it’s gone–>$1 off 5 Hot Pockets or Lean Pockets breakfast items coupon

I found mine using the zip code 77041!

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  1. […] Printable Coupon Alert: $1/5 Hot Pockets breakfast coupon! […]

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