Potty training? Get free training pants (and earn a little cash, too!)

If you’re in the process of potty training and your little one is a size 3T-4T (at least 30 pounds) and wearing training pants during the day and night, you can qualify for a training pant study from Arquest!

I have done diaper studies for Arquest in the past. I had to complete a simple questionnaire for each week of the study and I got a $10 check when I was finished!

Here’s the number that you call (if you don’t get a “real” person, leave a message…even if they are full, they will put you on their list and call you back when there are openings):

1-888-342-7372 – extension 364 (Cheyla)


  1. Lisa P@www.isitmondayalready.com says:

    Thanks Ill call tomorrow I have done the diaper studies in the past too, and now onto training pants yeah!