Need meal planning inspiration? Get free recipes from Recipe Mom!

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If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know that I am a HUGE advocate of meal planning!  I ? coupons, but to be honest, clipping coupons along is not going to save your budget.  If you have a meal plan, you won’t be eating out, and you’ll be using the food that you actually have on hand!

One of the most difficult pieces of meal planning is finding recipes that are budget friendly and that your family will enjoy.  I also like to add variety to our menu, so we don’t burn out from eating the same things over and over again, but I don’t always have a lot of time to search for new recipes.  Recipe Mom will deliver a FREE weekly e-mail with recipes and special offers!  It’s perfect if you’re a mom on the go who needs meal planning inspiration!  Sign up for your free e-mail here! I can’t wait to see what kind of recipes they’ll send!

If you’re new to meal planning and would like some tips for getting started, check out my post here. If you’d like more recipe inspiration, you can check out my weekly “Menu Planning Monday” posts here!

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