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If you missed any of the posts today, here are some of my favorites!
HURRY: $.55/2 dozen eggs printable coupon!
Haribo Gummi Bears just $.68 after coupon at Walmart!
Philadelphia Cooking Cream $1.48 after coupon at Walmart + recipe!
HOT DEAL ALERT: Vera Bradley large hobo bags and angle totes 50% off!
Survey Spot: Complete surveys, get cash for Christmas!
Kindle Fire it Up Giveaway: Win a FREE KINDLE FIRE!
Argento Vivo earrings as low as $6 shipped!
HOT DEAL ALERT: Enter to win a Macy’s shopping spree up to $500!!
Get $2.84 in overage at Walmart!
Manilla: Free online bill organizer + enter to win $500 to pay your bills!
FREEBIE Alert: Baby Talk Magazine!
Free Lancome & Origins samples + more from Woman Freebies!
Chili’s: Kids eat free tonight (10/10)!
FREEBIE Alert: Free Rayovac Flashlight!
Menu Planning Monday: My Menu Plan for the week of 10/9
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