Mission Giveaway started with the $100 Story where with $100 several people received the help they needed. We are on a mission to help people! We have gathered a group of bloggers that want to make a difference. Together we are the Mission Giveaway Group!
This week’s Mission Giveaway is sponsored by BJ’s Wholesale Club. I, personally, LOVE shopping at wholesale clubs. I can get such great prices and I can also find a little bit of everything there! It’s a one stop shop!
With spring here and summer soon to follow, be sure to check out BJ’s for outdoor entertaining products and tips. Don’t have a membership? You’re in luck! You can get a Free 60 Day Trial Membership!
Grand Prize:(2) $50 BJ’s Gift Cards
(1 for you and 1 for you to give a friend!)
About Our Sponsor: BJ’s Wholesale Club
BJ’s is dedicated to providing members with high-quality, brand-name food and merchandise at prices that are significantly lower than supermarkets, supercenters, department stores, drug stores and specialty retail stores. BJ’s carries the most product variety of any wholesale club with more than 7,000 items, including supermarket-sized staples, USDA “Choice” meats, all-natural and certified organic products and stock-up items. BJ’s is the only wholesale club to accept all manufacturers’ coupons and for greater convenience, offers the most payment options including EBT. Headquartered in Westborough, Massachusetts, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc. is a leading operator of warehouse clubs in the eastern United States. The Company operates 195 clubs and 107 gas stations in 15 eastern states. Learn more and shop online at BJs.com or for exclusive content visit BJ’s on Facebook and Twitter.
Here’s How You Enter this week’s Giveaway:
The Giveaway will open up on Tuesday 4/17 at 12:01 am EST and Close on Friday 4/20 at 11:59 pm EST.
1) Start at the Rafflecopter Giveaway form.
2) Complete the Mandatory entries.
3) Complete any bonus entries by entering giveaways at each of the blogs participating (each giveaway will have its own rules and end dates.)
4) Come back for additional daily entries!
That’s it! You have successfully entered this awesome giveaway! It’s not mandatory that you enter the giveaways at all the blogs participating but doing so not only increases your chances of winning the grand prize, you could win tons of other cool prizes!
Good luck!!
Check out how entrants would pay it forward this week and enter your own comment:
The amazing Blogs participating in the event this week are:
Slop Swap, Madame Deals, Melissa’s Bargains, A Savings WOW!, Living At The Whitehead’s Zoo, CEO of Me, The Denver Housewife, Moms Saving Money, Wheel n Deal Mama, Become A Coupon Queen, Coupon Crazy in KY, Planet Weidknecht, Put A Little Umbrella In Your Drink, Makobi Scribe, Stretching Your Budget, The Centsible Family, Couponing to be Debt Free, And The Little Ones Too, My UnEntitled Life, Organic Mommy Today, Clippin4ACause, Couponista Queen, Insights by April, Frugal Experiments, GO MOMMA COUPONS, More 4 Moms Buck, Momondealz, Coupon Savings In The South, The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug, My Saving Game, Money $aving Michele, Meg’s Moxie, My Mommy’s World, Money Savvy Michelle, MyCouponLady, Klippin’ Krazy Koupons!, Utah Coupon Deals, iSave A2Z, Deals in Heels, Have Kids Will Coupon
To inquire about becoming a sponsor, please contact Amee or Dawn at missiongiveaway@yahoo.com for details. Take a look at our Media Kit to see what Mission Giveaway has to offer.
Are you a blogger that would like to participate in Mission Giveaway? Find out how you can join us.
If I won I would spend it with my family<3 especially since my sister's birthday is coming up!