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Here are the best Meijer deals for the week thanks to Sarah’s Deals:
If you are new to shopping at Meijer, here’s their coupon policy: Meijer coupon policy
use $.50/2 MQ from 1/29RP
AND use $.50/2 mPerk (limit 1 use)
Final Price = $.50 each wyb 2
use $1/2 MQ from 1/22SS
Final Price = $.50 each wyb 2
- Kraft Singles
- Kraft Parmesan Cheese
- Kraft Natural Cheese (blocks, shredded, sticks, cubes, slices)
- Kraft String Cheese
- Kraft Cracker Cuts Cheese
- Velveeta
- Cracker Barrel Natural Cheese
- Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Cooking Cream or Pure Indulgence
- Cheez Whiz
- Breakstone’s/Knudsen’s Sour Cream and Cottage Cheese 16 oz
- Kraft Fresh Take Breadcrumb Mix
Buy 5 Kraft Shredded Cheese @ 3/$7.00 on sale = $11.65
Use 2 $.50/2 Printable (zip 30303 if you don’t see it) = (-$1.00)
Save $3.00 instantly when you buy 5 = (-$3.00)
Pay $7.65 for 5, then get a $4.00 checkout coupon valid on your next order.
Final price = $3.65 for 5 ($0.73 each!) after coupon and checkout coupon savings!
This deal will be better for people who live in areas that double coupons.
Buy 2 Pure Indulgence @ $2.00 = $4.00
Buy 3 Philly Cream Cheese @ $1.69 = $5.07
Save $3.00 instantly when you buy 5 = (-$3.00)
Use 2 $0.75/1 Indulgence coupons = (-$1.50)
use $.50/1 Indulgence mPerk = (-$.50)
Pay $4.07, get a $4.00 checkout coupon valid on your next order.
Final Price = $.07 for 5 items
Buy 5 Indulgence @ $2.00 = $10.00
Save $3.00 instantly wyb 5 = (-$3.00)
Use 5 $.75/1 Indulgence Coupons = (-$3.75)
use $.50/1 Indulgence mPerk = (-$.50)
Pay $2.75 for 5 Indulgence, get a $4.00 checkout coupon valid on your next order
Final Price = $1.25 Moneymaker!
Buy 5 Indulgence @ $2.00 = $10.00
Save $3.00 instantly wyb 5 = (-$3.00)
Use 3 $.75/1 Indulgence Coupons = (-$2.25)
use 2 $1.50/1 or $1/1 MQ from Kraft First Taste = (max -$3.00)
use $.50/1 Indulgence mPerk = (-$.50)
Pay as little as $1.25 for 5 Indulgence, get a $4.00 checkout coupon valid on your next order
Final Price = as much as $2.75 Moneymaker!
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