Mail in Rebate Round-Up

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There are lots of great mail in rebate offers that are available right now!  What do you do with your rebate money?  I like to add mine to my Christmas fun or to use it as “fun money” to do something fun with my family!

You can check out the mail in rebate offers from previous weeks here–>Mail in rebate round-up

Free Game of Bowling from Musselman’s – End Date 8/31/12

Buy Musselman’s Applesauce. Take this Musselman’s. Get a FREE game of bowling when you take this voucher, along with your proof of purchase (your proof-of-purchase is the entire back panel of a Mussleman’s single serve apple sauce cups package) to a participating bowling center.

Reminder: You still have time to earn gift cards for buying Musselman’s Applesauce Products.

Keebler  100 Calorie Right Bites White Chocolate Dipped Pretzels TMF Offer – End Date 8/31/12

Buy Keebler 100 Calorie Right Bites White Chocolate Dipped Pretzels and get them  FREE after mail-in rebate (up to $4).

Neutrogena $10 Rebate – End Date 2/8/12

Get $10 back by mail when you buy $30 worth of Neutrogena products between 1/08/ and 2/08/12.

There are lots of coupons circulating right now, not to mention a BOGO 50% off sale going on at Walgreens this week.

Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer $10 Rebate – End Date 3/31/12

Buy a Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer and get a $10 check by mail

FREE Physicians Formula Organic Wear Lash Boosting Mascara – End Date 10/31/12

You must purchase specially marked packages of FREE Physicians Formula Organic Wear Lash Boosting Mascara and you’ll receive $9.95 back by mail. The packages are marked with a Try Me Free label.

Hill’s  Science Diet Rebate   – End Date 3/31/12

Receive up to $12.99 back by mail when youbuy Hill’s Science Diet Ideal Balance 4lb bag dry dog food.

(Thanks Simple Saving Savvy!)

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information

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