Lowe’s: buy a gift card, get 10% extra!

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Do you have home improvement plans for your tax return this year? Is it time for a new washer and dryer? Maybe your refrigerator is on its last legs. Are you going to re-paint your house? Whatever your plans may be, Lowe’s is going to kick in some extra money to help!  When you purchase a Lowe’s “Tax Refund Card” between now and Monday, March 14th in the amount of $500-$4,000, Lowe’s will add 10% to the initial balance of the card on March 18th.

So, if you purchase a card for $1,000, on March 18th, you will get a bonus $100 added to your card!  You can begin using your card the same day you purchase it!  You can buy your Lowe’s Tax Refund card in store or online here.

This You Tube video explains everything:

Here are a few “fine print” details:
-Cards cannot be redeemed for cash or credit and cannot be used for credit payments
-Customers returning merchandise purchased with a Tax Refund Card will receive a merchandise credit

(Thanks Central Florida Couponers for the heads up on this deal!)

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