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I posted this morning about a deal on Toy Story 1 & 2 next week at Toys ‘R Us.
I was excited about that deal, but the deal might be even sweeter, today (3/20) only, if you buy Princess & the Frog there and pre-order both Toy Story movies at the same time.
Here’s the way this works:
*At Toys “R Us, there are reportedly pre-order cards in the movie section (the cards are reportedly the size of a movie case and are on a red and white sheet of paper with Buzz, Woody, and Jessie). Pick one of these up along with a copy of the Princess and the Frog Blu ray combo.
1. Buy the Princess & The Frog Blu Ray – $26.99
2. Give the pre-order card to the cashier – pre-order the Toy Story 1 and 2 combo packs (they will charge you $5 for each pre-order)
You will receive a $15 credit instantly for pre-ordering both movies (some people are reporting that they received a $20 instant credit)
Use your $10 Princess & The Frog printable coupon
Total OOP = $11.99 ($6.99 if you get a $20 instant credit rather than $15)
Then, on Tuesday, follow the steps here for buying Toy Story 1 and 2. You will be charged $16.99 per movie because you prepaid $5 for each movie already. Use your two $10 upgrade coupons plus the $10 promotional instant discount and you end up paying $3.98 out of pocket for both movies. Your total out of pocket for all three movies is $15.97 (or $10.97 if the $20 comes off instantly at your store).
DISCLAIMER: I have not tried this myself, but many people are reporting on Slick Deals that this is working. I bought my copy of Princess and the Frog at Toys ‘R Us, but didn’t even know about the pre-order option. I am actually thinking about going back out to do this deal tonight before it is over!
UPDATE: I just went and did this deal and I paid $7.01 out of pocket for Princess & The Frog Blu Ray/DVD combo and the pre-orders for Toy Story 1 and 2. Some people have asked if the $10 off promotion will still come off next week if you pre-order both movies and I can’t guarantee that part will work, but the way I look at it is that I originally paid $16.99 (plus tax) for Princess & The Frog this week and I was going to pay $13.98 for both Toy Story movies next week, so even if the $10 doesn’t come off next week, I will still be paying almost $10 less than I had originally planned to pay. Kelly also alerted me on Facebook that you get free Kissing Frogs with a $30 Princess & The Frog purchase. If you buy the DVD and two egg decorating kits (priced at $1.79/each), you get the kissing frogs for free, too!
What a bad day for me to be away from the computer! I just saw this at 8pm, hurried and printed off another coupon and ran over, but they were out of the bluray combos. The employees were really helpful and looked everywhere with me, but no luck. Another woman there was looking for one too and no idea about the coupons, so I gave her my $10 coupon – at least I got a good deed in, right?! I'm glad you got the deal – that's an amazing price for 3 movies!!!