HURRY: Happy Nappers only $2.99 SHIPPED!

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WOW!  This is the best price I’ve ever seen on Happy Nappers and I’m guessing they will sell out fast!  Hurry and check out this sale and grab some for your kids!  Today only, you can get Happy Nappers for just $2.99 shipped!  My kids got these for Christmas and absolutely love them!  We have the unicorn and the dragon.  These are perfect for those summer road trips!

Click here to shop this sale–>Happy Nappers for $2.99 shipped

The following Happy Nappers are included in the sale:

  • Happy Nappers Dog
  • Happy Nappers Dragon
  • Happy Nappers Ladybug
  • Happy Nappers Monkey
  • Happy Nappers Penguin
  • Happy Nappers Unicorn

Note: Some are available for in store pick up only now and some stores are limiting the number that can be purchased. Which ones did you grab for YOUR kids?

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more


  1. Savannah Miller says:

    Thank you!!! I got my sons the monkey and the dragon 🙂 I may put these away though for a future present! So cute 🙂

  2. Just scored 1 of each!! I have 5 kids and I know at least 4 will like them. The others make great Christmas gifts!!

  3. Lynette Cruz says:

    Thank you!!

  4. Linda Bell says:

    Yippee! I got two of the dragon/castle ones for my little nephews! Thank you!

  5. Thanks! We already had the dragon and lady bug so I got the other 4. What a great deal!

  6. Thank-you! I just ordered 5 of these, I had 3 gift cards to use so they only cost me $1…wow!!!

  7. Yeah I got one of each for my kids . They have been begging me to get them. They will be so excited ! Thank you .

  8. katrina says:

    I added them to my cart but it says 9.99 each. What am I doing wrong

  9. It seems that only the DOG can be shipped…. ugh… hoping that I can get someone to go get mine!!


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