Do you like Lean Pockets on Facebook? I hope so because last night they released a HOT new printable for $1.50/3 Lean Pockets products. Coupons for Lean Pockets don’t come along very often, so hurry and print yours before they reach the print limit. Don’t forget to hit the back button on your browser so that you can print two!
These are on sale at Kroger this week for $1.78, so they’ll be $1.28 after coupons. Here’s the breakdown:
Buy 3 Lean Pockets – $1.78/each
Use $1.50/3 Lean Pockets printable
Spend $3.84 OOP ($1.28/each)
What’s your favorite variety of Lean Pockets? Have you tried the new ones with pretzel bread yet?
*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information.
If you still have the BOGO lean pockets coupon from a week or so ago, this will make for an even better deal!
Thanks for the heads up!
Your welcome! I’m hitting my Kroger up tomorrow, I live in the Houston area so it just sucks they no longe double or triple…hope it hasn’t made it to Louisiana yet. I only go in there for stuff I can’t get price matched at Wal-Mart
Hopefully the Lean Pockets don’t get wiped out like the Lean Cuisine did a couple of weeks ago! I went 4 times over the two weeks before my stores had any in stock (they finally got smart and started limiting quantities and I happened to get there in the morning when the guy was making his delivery!) Louisiana still has doubles/triples, then? I was reading somewhere that some stores in the Dallas/Ft Worth area do, too. We really got a bum deal here in Houston
Yes we did! Yes they still do as far as I know… we’re traveling there this weekend and I’m thinking of stopping at a Kroger to get some good deals if my husband will let me you are here in Houston? Are you still able to get the really good deals like we used to at Kroger and if so where are you going? This whole Kroger thing really hit our budget hard.
and it really sucks because it’s summer so the kids are always eating lol!
Yes, I’m in Houston
The Kroger deals have not been as good (and certainly not as good as they were with doubles/triples), but I still am able to get some good deals. I got free whole grain pasta during a Mega sale a few weeks ago. I’ll stock up on the Gatorade this week because my hubby loves it. And I totally understand about summer and the kids always eating. We’ll have lunch and 20 minutes later, mine are asking for a snack?!?!