HOT DEAL ALERT: Beautiful Pilgrim Skanderborg necklace only $5 shipped!

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Modnique has another HOT deal available for you today!  They’ve got a Pilgrim Skanderborg Freshwater Pearl Enamel necklace for just $10!  If you’re new to Modniqueyou will get a $5 new member creditwhich makes this necklace just $5 shipped!

Here’s how you can grab this deal:

1.  Register for a account or sign in to your existing Modnique account here–>Modnique Pilgrim Skanderborg Freshwater Pearl Enamel necklace

2. Go to the Daily Deals tab to grab this deal!  If you’re new to Modnique, you’ll get your $5 new member credit right after you register!  Shipping is free in the US!

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