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This is going to be fun and super easy – Follow these simple steps –
- Go to each blog (in order below)
- Follow each Blog with Google Friend Connect “GFC”
- Grab the “Magic Letter”
- Once you have ALL the letters and you have the “MAGIC SENTENCE” fill out the ENTRY FORM HERE
- You can also earn an Extra Entry by “liking” each Blog’s Facebook Page – so you can “like” each Facebook Page when you visit their blog, or you can use the easy form below!
Now for the next letter go to each of these blogs (in order)

Adventures of My Family of 8
Fabulous Finds by November Girl xoxo
Simply Stacie
Debbie Does Coupons
Melissa’s Bargain Blog
Everyday Ramblings of My Life
Just Married with Coupons
Mommy’s Coupon Train
Sweeping Me
Makobi Scribe
Bass Giraffes Thoughts
Mommy’s Money Saving Obsession
The Link Fairy
Sweet Treats & Good Eats
Free Samples to Fill Up Your Mailbox
Adventures of a Couponista
Sumthing Purdy
Centsless Deals
When you are ready – Click HERE to Enter!
Kind of embarrassed, but I can’t find the spot to follow you with Google Friend Connect? I liked you on facebook, and am following you there, but can’t find the GFC button!
following on facebook also,cant find the gfc either
I don’t see your GFC button?
Hi! I cannot find where to follow on GFC on your site. I did sign up for an email subscription. Any suggestions? There is a blank square towards the bottom of your page and I think? that is where I should “Follow”. I’ll try again later and see if it clears up. Thanks for the giveaway.
My GFC was not loading for some reason. It seems to be loading now. I think there is some sort of glitch with the code in the post from the giveaway. If you can’t see it from the giveaway post, try click on the “Home” button at the top and see if it loads.
Still no luck for me.
I did subscribe by email. Will that work?
Yes, that will be fine – I have no idea what is going on with my GFC.
Can’t find your GFC to follow : (
I think it’s “fixed” now – I can see it again…
You can follow by e-mail if you can’t find the GFC button..
I would be happy to follow, but there is no GFC Button showing up on your blog.
FB Fan – Elizabeth Turner Neas
Libby – for some reason, my GFC button isn’t loading right now
It is usually located in the box right under the cash back sites info box. Instead, you could subscribe by e-mail if you haven’t already.
Follow you GFC and like on facebook
Following via GFC
I cannot find your GFC button however I liked you on facebook
Well, I can’t find the gfc button and I can’t seem to sign up for the emails!! If you can, would you please sign me up for your emails? I love your site.
I added your e-mail to the subscribe list. You should see an e-mail asking you to subscribe. I hope that helps.
Follow you GFC and like on facebook
I didn’t see the gfc either but i subscribed via email.
Following you on GFC (Charlotte Varner)
Already a fan of every page on fb (Charlotte Varner)
Hi Melissa,
I didn’t find the GFC button. I know you’re having problems with it.
I subscribe to your email and to blogfrog. Let me know if that is okay for the contest.
If not I will come back tomorrow and try GFC again.
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
I couldn’t find your gfc follower box so I subscribed via email like you told someone else to do. Thanks!
I don’t see the GFC button either, even did a search. I followed by email, is that okay?
That is fine – it appears to be showing up hit or miss…I don’t know if it’s different browsers or what.
I am having the same problem. I hope it is ok to just do it by email.
followed, liked, sub to email
Couldn’t find GFC either so subscribing to your email. GFC has been so weird lately!!!
I searched your site but could not find your google connect button. I already follow you on twitter @lousbaby124, like your facebook page and subscribe to your email. Is that ok?
That is fine! I’m not sure what is going on with my GFC
I can’t find it either! I’ve tried, Firefox, IE, and Chrome. It’s not loading anywhere :o(
Subscribed to email. Can’t find GFC to load.
I subscribed to you by email as well.
Couldn’t find GFC either so subscribing to your email.
I tried to follow on Google but it will not let for some reason??
I don’t see GFC, and can’t sign up on emails. Can you put me down for your emails as well as my entry?
What happens when you try to sign up for e-mails??? My GFC button has been showing up sporadically (it’s under the box with the information about cash back sites) but I haven’t heard of problems with the e-mails?
I don’t see your GFC button?
I wanted to leave a comment to enter for the nook, thank you
I signed up for your emails, could not find the GFC, Thanks!
I can not find your GFC :/
If you can’t find the GFC, you can also subscribe by e-mail.
signed up for emails.
Thank you for the Nook Scavenger Hunt giveaway!! you rock
I am an email subscriber (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)
I tried to follow you but it didn’t show up so I went with the email subscription instead…I hope that works for the Nook Scavenger Hunt!! Let me know if it doesnt work and I will do whatever I have to!
I subscribed to your emails too
Subscribed by email bc your GFC button seems to be MIA again:)
FB liked but like everyone eslse, no GFC button to follow
Couldnt find you GFC but did subscribe to email =)
I tried following GFC but can’t find it
I subscribed by email, I hope that’s OK
GFC is not showing up for me. Subscribed to email.
royalegacy at gmail dot com
thanks so much for the chance to win…i can’t follow through gfc so i’ll follow through email which is km771747@live.com
thanks again
also had prob finding gfc button. followed as email subscriber and liked on fb
GFC Button is on the “Home” page and as of July 17 working fine
I follow you via GFC..
sweeps4us at gmail dot com
I cant find your GFC but I did like you on facebook.

Thank you so much for the Nook contest/giveaway
Have a great day!
I can’t find you GFC button.
Could not fin the GFC button
i cant find where to follow your blog so i am requesting an email…THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!