GIVEAWAY: $50 Randalls gift card!

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Gas is a major expense in our house every month and we’re always looking for new ways to save on fuel!  Randalls offers gas reward points every day, but right now they have a HOT promotion where you can earn 4X the gas reward points when you purchase gift cards!

Here’s the normal breakdown for gas rewards:

  • Every $1 spent on qualifty gift cards = 2 points
  • Every prescription filled = 50 points
  • Every $1 spent on groceries = 1 point

Right now, you will earn 4 points for every $1 spent on gift cards!  You will get $.10 off per gallon on a single fill-up for every 100 points you earn

Randalls provided me with a $50 store gift card so I could check out this promotion.  My kids were with me, so I let them pick out their favorites.  They chose a $25 Red Robin gift card, a $15 Subway gift card, and a $15 McDonald’s gift card.  I earned 220 points for purchasing these gift cards, which equals to $.20 off per gallon of gas!  Randalls has a large variety of gift cards to choose from including Amazon, iTunes, Best Buy, Home Depot, Chili’s, Olive Garden, Starbucks, Target, and more!  If you’re going to be visiting these places anyway and spending money, you might as well save some money on gas, too!

You can find out more about the Randalls gas rewards program here–>Randalls Gas Rewards 

Randalls is also providing me with a $50 Randalls gift card for one lucky winner so that you can also check out the benefits of their gas rewards program!  This giveaway will run through 10/18/11 at 11:59 pm CT.  A winner will be chosen on 10/19/11 using!  To enter, please fill out the form below!  (click on more to see the form)

DISCLOSURE: Randalls is part of the Safeway family of stores. Although Randalls provided me with a $50 gift card, they did not influence my comments on this post in any way.


  1. I would buy cereals with my gift card.

  2. I’d buy gift cards for places I normally shop at. . . Home Depot is the first to come to mind!

  3. Jolene Egley Howes says:

    I would buy a Subway card as we love Subway

  4. Places to eat out, not sure which ones but it would be nice to get to go out and not have to worry about the money!

  5. joy person says:

    Subway and other places I love to go to!!!

  6. Heather Y. says:

    Amazon gift card

  7. I would get restaurant gift cards.

  8. and Subway.

  9. I would love to get the restaurant gift cards.

    Jenn from How to Make Hair Bows

  10. I’d get a Disney giftcard to help out our trip to Disneyland.

  11. Julie Lynn Bickham says:

    I would choose Target to use it towards Christmas shopping.

  12. Shannon Alexander says:

    Itunes or olive garden!

  13. Shelley C. says:

    I would buy McDonald’s & Chili’s. Thanks

  14. Janet Wysong says:

    I would choose an Applebee gift card if available so I could take my niece out for a long overdue lunch.

  15. amazon gift cards!

  16. Diana McDonald says:

    I’d buy a $20 McDonald’s Gift Card and a $30 Target Gift Card.

  17. I would buy groceries!!

  18. I’m with you….I’d probably pick up a Subway card or two. They are a great place to stop for a quick nutritious sandwich when running errands.

  19. I’ll get an Amazon GC because I’m saving for an Amazon Fire.
    Thanks for the contest.

  20. Tracy Robertson says:

    I would buy a Starbucks GC and a See’s Candies GC (my Safeway carries See’s Candies GC’s).

  21. Bonnie D. says:

    A Best Buy card would be a great gift for my fiance!

  22. scottsgal says:

    we’d get chilis or olive garden
    msboatgal at

  23. i would buy a mcdonalds gift card

  24. I’d buy target

  25. Sarah Kay says:

    I would buy a Target gift card 🙂

  26. I would buy the $50 Safeway gift card. Always need help w/groceries…Thanks!

  27. Denise Cechini says:


  28. amazon

  29. I really need these gift cards right now, wish me luck!

  30. Stacey J. says:

    Amazon! 🙂

  31. Starbucks for sure.

  32. Gina @ The Crave to Save says:

    Amazon and Home Depot! Thanks for the chance to win!
    gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

  33. ??? Louis ??? says:

    I’d get an amazon card

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway


  34. Markala Smith says:

    I would probably use the whole thing at Target.. maybe a few bucks in Starbucks just to splurge! =)

  35. shantel davis says:

    McDonald’s and Target!

  36. I would get an Amazon card for Christmas gifts.

  37. I would buy groceries for sure!

  38. I would get iTunes or Old Navy! 🙂

  39. Jamba and McDs

  40. i would get subway!

  41. Safeway for me and Subway for my husband; thanks !

  42. I’d get Amazon and iTunes cards.

  43. I would buy an Amazon Gift Card

  44. Gift cards make great gifts, especially for the teens in our family. Mcd’s or Subway would probably be the best bets!

  45. Monique Bon says:

    I’d buy a Red Robin gift card (:

  46. I’d love to have some Subway gift cards!

  47. Starbucks and Subway gift cards for sure.

  48. I’d get target

  49. Ashley Reynolds says:

    Amazon or Target!!!

  50. A $50 Lowes one

  51. I shop at Safeway and I’d love to win a gift card! Thanks

  52. Teri Patrick says:

    Target or Amazon

  53. Amazon, Home Depot or Target!

  54. Farrah Shumway says:

    I would probably buy an Amazon card

  55. I love eating out! I would chose a Red Robin card…or whatever restaurant inspired me 🙂

  56. target
    tcogbill at live dot com

  57. Michal David says:

    I would buy a Safeway GC, you always need groceries….:)

  58. Home Depot and Subway- great stocking stuffers! Thank you!

  59. I would love to buy some meats with a Safeway gift card. 🙂

  60. I think I would get an Amazon gc to help pay for Christmas gifts! Thanks!


  61. Amazon Gift Card!

  62. I would probably buy a gift-card for Gas that would help me get down to St. Jude to make all the donations I have to. 😀

  63. Nicole Tackett says:

    I would buy Amazon and Subway giftcards!

  64. Gas is always an issue with us…so I would like a gas card or purchase gas with a card.

  65. I would get Amazon, Target, Starbucks and or Subway.

  66. Shaneka Crider says:

    I would buy cards from Amazon.

  67. Kristan K says:

    I would buy an Olive Garden gift card! Save on gas and a great date night!

  68. Rochelle Roy says:

    I would love to win~! Thanks for the chance~!! I would buy: Best But, Target and Amazon.. Thanks again

  69. Becca Wilson says:

    I would buy a target gift card and/or groceries

  70. Calshondra Williams says:

    I would buy the following gift cards: Chili’s, Amazon, and Target.

  71. I’d buy a target card.

  72. target

  73. Markala Smith says:

    I’m thinking the Target card! I can get everything I need there, and I have the best luck with coupons there too!

  74. Mary Michaud says:

    amazon and maybe starbucks

  75. Gas card all the way!

  76. I would probably get an Amazon or Walmart gift card!! Sure would LOVE to win!!


  1. Giveaways Make Great Christmas Gifts | Glossy Money says:

    […] $50 Safeway gift card – 10/18 […]

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