Get free printable Valentine’s Day cards from Chuck E. Cheese!

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Right now, Chuck E. Cheese has printable Valentine’s Day cards that include a coupon for five free tokens!  The coupons are valid through 3/2/11 and a food purchase is requiredYou can print the coupons here.

Chuck E Cheese also has free rewards calendars.  Just print out the calendar, mark the days off with a pen or sticker, and bring your completed calendar to Chuck E. Cheese and get 10 free tokens!  Here are some of the calendars you can print:

-Clean your room
-Done with Thumbs
-Good Behavior
-Good Night’s Sleep
-Great Listener
-Homework First
-Let’s get dressed
-No Nose Picking
-Magical Musician
-Potty Perfect
-Reading Rewards
-Terrific Teeth

They also have a “Tokens for Grades” program:  bring in your child’s most recent report card and they will get FREE tokens (up to 15) for good grades!

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