Freebie Friday: Another $10 Target gift card giveaway

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It’s Freebie Friday again! If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know that I have been doing a gift card giveaway each month. I put up a poll earlier in the month to see what kind of gift card my readers would like to win and the response was overwhelmingly for Target once again, so Target it is! If you shop at Target, you know that even $10 can go a long way if you use coupons!

Here’s the scoop:

The giveaway will run from now until 11:59 PM (PST) on Friday, 5/1/09. I will announce the winner on Saturday, 5/2/09. (The winner will be randomly selected using

You can enter up to three times. Here are the ways that you can enter:

1. Post a comment telling me about some of your “favorite” Target bargains.

2. Sign up to follow my blog (if you are already following my blog, you automatically get an entry!) or subscribe to my blog (if you subscribe, please post a comment to let me know that you have subscribed).

3. Create a post on your blog letting others know about the giveaway and link back to my blog. Be sure to comment here with a link to your post!

Please create a separate post for each of your entries. If you win, you need to provide me with some way to contact you. If your profile is public with a link to your blog, that works. Otherwise, watch the blog closely on Saturday, 5/2 for me to post the winner.

(If you post a comment as “anonymous” you need to include some sort of identifying information or your entry will not be valid)

Good luck!


  1. I love shopping the “outsides” of the store: clearance galore!!

  2. I LOVE the $1 bins…my husband and I even got our Easter baskets there 🙂 Blessings,

  3. kristinleahfletcher says:

    My favorite Target Bargain doesn’t envolve coupons… I love getting the baby clothes at rock bottom prices! When it was only $5 to begin with once on sale you can get it for around 2-3! Great for play clothes.

  4. kristinleahfletcher says:

    I subscribed!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I like anything that ends up on a clearance end at Target. I have gotten some cute house stuff that way and of course very random things too!


  6. I already subscribe to your blog!

  7. My favorite Target deal was a little while back when they were doing the two Intuition razors with a $5 gift card. I did the coupons so they ended up being $.50 each, I believe. Plus that day they had clearanced a ton of pantyhose, tights, and socks – which I LOVE. I got a whole bunch and will probably burn through them next winter.

    It’s always so fun when the cashier is as excited about your savings as you are, too! I have had great experiences at my Target.

  8. Kendall and Lee'sa says:

    I love going a couple days after a holiday and stocking up for next year!

  9. I posted about the give-away on my blog…Here is the link….

  10. Here was my latest Target bargains. I figured that I would just post the link. Hope that is ok…..

  11. lonetree72 says:

    I love looking at all the end caps for all the clearance items.

  12. Penny Penguin says:

    I LOVE the endcaps! I love their coupon policy and really love their inexpensive but wonderful diapers!

  13. Penny Penguin says:
  14. I am a big clothes clearance rack shoppper, thats my favorite way to save. would love to win this!!

  15. I just got to purses this week that were on sale for $4.50 and $6.50…I was thrilled :-)!
    marci6tx at msn dot com

  16. My favorite thing about Target is that they have popcorn for the kids so they are happy while I get cheap stuff and Mt. Dew so I don’t poke my eyes out!!! I also subscribed to your blog, here is a link to my post on my blog

  17. I love Target’s Dollar Spot! There’s always something in there I “need”…lol.

  18. I subscribed!


  19. LOVE the dollar bins!

  20. I love when my Target marks their kids clothes 75% off and then take an additional 30% off. I bought all my nieces clothes for her birthday already, and she was just 2 months old. lol

  21. missaminh says:

    Lots of Fun! I follow your blog and posted it on my blog

  22. Tj and Amy says:

    I buy my daughters gerber juice there. and it is always really cheap.

  23. I love to look at the clearance item clothes

  24. I love the dollar bins – our latest purchase was two butterfly nets for the girls to play with. I also like the deals that involve receiving a gift card when you purchase certain items. I did a Quaker deal recently that ended up being a great bargain!

  25. valerie2350 says:

    i love the 90% off after holiday sales and I like the “quarter spot” at the front of the store 🙂

  26. valerie2350 says:

    valerie2350 at hotmail

  27. valerie2350 says:
  28. Tamara B. says:

    My favorite Target bargains are in the dollar bins. I find so many great things in them and put them aways for special little gifts for birthdays,Christmas, other holidays,and teacher gifts.

  29. I love the ‘endcaps’, they have great clearance deals!

  30. I am a big fan of their dollar bins too! jillk77 at aol dot com

  31. Anonymous says:

    I love the coupons they send in the mail, used along with MCs. Thank you for the giveaway.

  32. I like finding the sale items that are always on the "end caps" of the aisles – they stick a lot of clearance items there & it's so fun to find something marked way down!

    contact me at:

  33. areyoukiddingme says:

    I love it when I can get batteries for $1. It’s usually only around holidays, but $1 for 4 AA batteries is awesome.

  34. I purchased three tubs of Clorox wipes and with Target Q’s and a Buy 2 get 1 free Q, I got all for $2.08!!

  35. I am a subscriber

  36. I love Target’s clearance, in all their departments. Just today, I got a 2-set of burt’s bees lip shimmers for $5. They were originally $10!

  37. Anonymous says:

    i love their dollar section!!!!!

  38. I really like the after-Christmas sales, I got tons of wrapping paper, bows, and toys for pennies on the dollar two days after the holiday.

  39. I especially like the after Christmas sales when items go for 75% off after a few days. Also love the dollar bins.

  40. Katherine says:

    I LOVE Target clearance clothing!! I constantly find cute tops for like $3! That’s just as good as thrift store prices!
    kkondek at

  41. Katherine says:

    New follower! 🙂
    kkondek at

  42. My favorite Target bargains are within their Dollar area. Luv it!

  43. I now follow you!
    And I have to say we must be cyber-twins b/c I too am an educator by day and a coupon fiend (and mom of 2) by night and weekend. 😉

  44. My favorite target bargain so far was getting refill huggies packs of diaper wipes for 50 cents a piece-i did use coupons. It was awesome!!

  45. I love Target! The best bargains are the $1.00 bin and their clearance racks, I love shopping for off season clothes on them!

  46. I love target bargains. The products look newly innovated. Love to buy cooking stuffs there.
    We bought 2 heaters when its price come down. Few days later, we suprised to see the same stuffs prize shoot up.

  47. Risingsouth says:

    My favorite bargain is the $1 bins. My kids think it is the best.

  48. Of course I always hit up the dollar spot, but then I always look at the end of the aisles for the clearance stuff!

  49. Linda Shifflett says:

    I only shop for clearance and sale items that hopefully I also have coupons for. Gotta get those deals.

  50. Linda Shifflett says:

    I just subscribed.

  51. Health and beauty aids, clothes, snacks. skyxsky27[at]

  52. following your blog as ‘A. Casson’ skyxsky27(at)

  53. Saving in Style says:

    I love ANY bargain I can get by pairing the Target coupon with a manufacturer coupon! One of my recent favorites was the gillette shower gel for $2 – that one only needed a manufacturer coupon to make it FREE! I got 6 – haha!

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  54. I love shopping for clearance deals in the early mornig, Target is quiet and peaceful.

  55. Anonymous says:

    When we were shopping for Operation Christmas Child boxes last fall, we got some great deals on school supplies at Target.

  56. My favorite Target bargain is Huggies jumbo packs $9.99 each, buy 3 get a $5 GC. I also love the Dollar Spot.


  57. Alexandra says:

    I love getting little gifts and toys at the $1 bins at the front of the store!

  58. I love the $1 bins. I always find things for projects I am working on for a great price.

  59. I subscribed.

  60. I love the endcap bargains, but O also love their selection of trial sized items in the health/beauty sections, you can get lots of great little freebies with coupons and they make great additions in gift baskets!

  61. I subscribed. Thanks!

    savethosepennies (at) aol (dot) com

  62. My favorite Target Bargains are the 75% off toys they have each year! Picked up the Barbie Cruise Ship regularly $59.99 for my daughters birthday for $14.99! Then bought two more to sell on Ebay for a profit:-)

    savethosepennies (at) aol (dot) Com

  63. I LOVE the Target dollar aisles up front.

  64. Anonymous says:

    Anita said…
    My favorite are the on-line coupons – especially when they have the $2.00 off meat coupons for Target brand Beef.

  65. queenoftheclick says:

    I like Target because they sell great items for my classroom. I am a Spanish teacher and I have purchased pinatas and conversation candy with Spanish words on them.

    I also like to get my sweetie nice sports shirts from Target.

  66. queenoftheclick says:

    I follow this blog.

  67. I am a new fan of Target!! Our city recently got a brand new Super Target and i find many deals in the grocery area!!

  68. I’m always looking for the clearance stuff at Target. Found frozen pizzas for $1.48 each last week and a $100 Tassimo coffee maker for $25 a few weeks ago! 🙂

    carriev (at) snet (dot) net

  69. Jennifer says:

    I love the $1 bins that are filled with goodies right when you walk in. Of course I always get about $20 worth of stuff there before I even head towards what I really went into the store for.

  70. I don’t have a target close by, so I only get to go a few times a year but I love the $1 section. I replaced my magnetic grocery list there last week and it’s eco friendly to boot!

    gitrecca at gmail dot com

  71. creative says:

    I love the dollar bins!! So much fun!

  72. Jessie Lynn says:

    The dollar bins are my very favorite. XD


    Jessie Lynn

  73. Jessie Lynn says:

    I’m now following you via e-mail and Twitter!

    Glad to have found your blog.


    Jessie Lynn

  74. The Dreamer says:

    I bought my son the cutest shirt there for 75 cents! It’s a 2T and he’s only 12 months, but that’s too freakin’ good to pass up!!

    But I love the clearance end caps and the $1 section too

    addeviant006 at gmail dot com

  75. I’d love to enter – thanks!

    charles and sara at hotmail dot com

  76. thecookingnurse says:

    I love shopping on the end caps for clearance items!

  77. News Around The Blogs says:

    I printed a $1/1 coupon for market fresh fruit snacks and ended up paying $0.54 for a box

  78. Anonymous says:

    I love Target Clearance. A few weeks ago I got a Crayola Glow Board for only $2.50!

    K. C.

  79. I think my favorite Target bargain is when I can stack coupons–use a Target coupon in conjunction with a manufacturer coupon. Can’t beat that!


  80. I blogged about your giveaway! Here’s the link:

  81. momofgandj says:

    I love shopping the end-caps at Target. Getting an item on major sale and sometimes being able to use a coupon…I love it!!

  82. I love to shop the clearance end caps at Target.

  83. Like I said in my blog post- being 36 1/2 weeks pregnant I love my Boppy Total pregnancy pillow I found in January for $12.48. I mean I love all my great finds- but this one is near and dear to me right now!

  84. I ALWAYS walk that front dollar section for things that I can use creatively in the house. Or for perfect gifts for friends or especially my Sunday School girls. And I honestly don’t really look at any clothes unless it has a 50-75% off sign above it. That mindset keeps me from from spending more.

  85. jbafaith says:

    I head for the clearance areas! My income is small and my children/grandchildren number is big, so I must keep the costs down.

  86. jbafaith says:

    I subscribed to email!

  87. I was able to get my oldest granddaughter a bunch of clothes in Target’s clearance. The have some of the best clearance items

  88. I love getting super cheap baby clothes and stocking up on holiday deals!

    srvymaster at yahoo dot com

  89. Anonymous says:

    I love shopping the endcaps.
    khulsey79 at yahoo dot com

  90. I like to check the end of the aisles-last Saturday I found some bathtowels really cheap

    tiramisu392 (at)

  91. My favorite Target shopping is done after the Christmas holiday when things are marked 75-90% off. I love looking for HIDDEN deals!


  92. Follow your blog!!


  93. I love purusing Target’s clearance end caps. I often find treasures, like a $12 rug and $5 sheets!

  94. I love the home decor section at Target, they have great items on clearance at the end of the seasons!!

    twinjackienurse at

  95. Just signed up to follow you 🙂

    twinjackienurse at

  96. clothes would have to be my bargain.

  97. already subscribe to feed

  98. I really like the clothing on sale at Target, and the $1 bins are great as well. Thanks for the giveaway!


  99. I have found some interesting kitchen things marked way down. Always great for the ladies gift at Christmas.

  100. Samantha says:

    My fave Target bargain is Good Life cat food…the small bags are $4.50 and w/ the $3 coupons that came out frequenty, it makes for cheap cat food for my kitties!

  101. amanda.hall says:

    I love the target dollar bins and the great clothes they have on clearance!

  102. Anonymous says:

    i’ve only been to target once….i’ve heard many good deals though and this would give me an incentive. 🙂

    rsmile2u @dejazzd .com

  103. Brandette L says:

    I love everything at Target, that store gets me into trouble. I watch for their sales, especially on Laura’s Lean Beef products.

    heavncentt AT gmail DOT com.

  104. I love target clearance, especially the kids clothes.

  105. cara martin says:

    I love the $1 spot at the front and I also get gread deals on kids clearance clothing!

  106. Nichole D. says:

    The $1.00 bins are both very dangerous and fun – ha! Thanks for the chance!

    nandjdonabar at yahoo dot com

  107. shaunjoy says:

    Tons of shoes on clearance! I also love that you can stack coupons which has lead to some great baby item deals.

  108. judybrittle says:

    We love Target! I find some cute clothes for the grandkids on their 75% off racks. You just have to be quick as they go so fast. Thank you!

  109. judybrittle says:

    I’m a follower.

  110. Entry # 1 — Definately the clearance deals — Last month I got boces of 100 cards and envelopes (all very fashionable designs) for 6 dollars. They were regulary 48. I was thrilled. I also love the dollar section.

  111. My favorite Target bargain is the dollar spot.
    pkildow at gmail dot com

  112. Cheryl says:

    I love the fact that you can combine the Target coupons and Manufacturer coupons. The meat deal was really sweet and I’ve done really well on deals that involve both coupons!

  113. I love the fact that I bought over $700.00 worth of merchandise after Christmas during their clearance for $200.00. 😀

  114. tnikki says:

    I love the clearance section at Target. I have got my boys’ tshirts for 1.18 ea for a couple of years now. Thanks for the contest!

  115. Rachel says:

    Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.

    I love the Target dollar section.

  116. I got a great deal on wipes with mf coupons. I got them over a year ago and just finally ran out!

  117. Target easy Mac and Cheese is the best!

    freedurt at msn dot com

  118. shop the clearance and then use a coupon, a lot of real cheap good stuff!