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For some reason my kids have an obsession with flashlights. Unfortunately, that means that when we actually NEED one, we can never find one! I found this out the hard way a few days ago when the power went out! Right now you can grab a Rayovac flashlight for FREE after coupon at Walmart!
There are Rayovac flashlights priced at just $1 at Walmart! Plus, there is a $1/1 Rayovac flashlights printable coupon, which means you can get it for FREE!
Print your Rayovac Flashlight coupon here–>$1/1 Rayovac flashlight coupon
They also have a coupon for $1/1 Rayovac Alkaline batteries. Sometimes you can find these batteries in the Dollar Spot at Target, which would make them FREE after coupon, too!
Print your Rayovac batteries coupon here–>$1/1 Rayovac Alkaline batteries coupon
There are seven other items you can grab free after coupon at Walmart this week! Check them all out here: Walmart Top 25 Free and Cheap Deals for the week of 10/9
(Thanks The Cents’Able Shoppin)
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Always welcome! More ray-o-vacs!