First Day of Summer Giveaway: $300 in prizes!

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Welcome to the 1st day of Summer!! I have teamed up with 19 other amazing blogs to bring our readers some amazing cash prizes!! We are all here to celebrate the 1st day of Summer, and hope you will join us. You can also find our group on facebook, as the 1st Day of Summer Giveaway. First I will tell you what the prizes will be, then I will introduce you to all of the blogs.

  • Grand Prize – $100
  • 2 Winners – $50
  • 5 Winners – $20

There will be two ways to enter the contest, with a total of 20 entries per option. That will equal a total of 40 possible entries. This giveaway ends Tuesday, June 28th, and the winner will be randomly drawn, using

Here is what you need to do, to enter the contest:

1. “Like” Facebook fan pages from the list below. You can “Like” ALL, or however many you choose, of the participating pages. Come back here and fill out the multiple choice form, selecting (one at a time), which blogger you “liked”. Repeat this process for each Facebook fan page you “like” or were already a fan of prior to this giveaway. You will get a separate entry for EACH page you “like”, for a total of 20, but you must submit the form 20 separate times to count.

Simply “liking” the facebook pages will not enter you into the contest.

Clever Housewife

Madame Deals

Carolina Couponer

Crunchy Frugalista

Must Love Coupons

This Mama Loves Her Bargains

Mommy’s Coupon Train

Mommy’s Money Saving Obsession

Here’s the Deal

The Frugal Invitation

ISave A2Z

Adventures of a Couponista

Coupons Are Great

Smart Spending Spot

Melissa’s Bargains

The Tween & Me


Penny Pinching Polly

A Proverbs Wife

Mom On Dealz

2. To earn more entries, comment on this blog post and other participating giveaway blog posts, answering this question: “How do you plan to spend the prize money?” You can navigate to the other blogs for this entry as well, via their Facebook page. After commenting, submit the multiple choice form for each blog you comment on! If you answer this question on each participating blogs’ posts, that will give you up to 20 more entries!

Please remember to fill out the multiple choice form HERE, for entry option completed. Each Facebook “Like”and blog post comment are SEPARATE entries and require you to submit the form again! In the form, you will see 2 questions with the option of each blog as an answer. Do not answer both questions one submission. Just answer one at a time while selecting only one answer at a time. To get all 40 submissions, you will need to submit the form 40 times!

This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. It is sponsored by the blogs listed above only.


  1. stacey dempsey says:

    i would get me and the kids some new summer sandals and swimming gear
    staceyx at telus dot net

  2. Stephanie Hirsch says:

    I would use the money towards paying down credit card debt, a day out with my girls, and a care package for my husband who just deployed! =)
    steph4575 at msn dot com

  3. Gazelle Simmons says:

    I’d use the money to buy myself some new summer clothes as the ones I have are 6 years old. Had to replace all my clothes thanks to Hurricane Katrina so new clothes is definitely a good idea.

  4. Jani Nelson says:

    I would give the money to my daughter. She just graduated from college and she needs it bad.

  5. Kimberly Hobbs says:

    My son is coming home on pre-deployment leave for the Marine Corps so I would use the money to plan fun things to do while he is home and create memories!

  6. Hi Melissa!
    I would put it towards a bill, grocery money or for postage to mail out Christmas gifts this year 😀

  7. MichelleS says:

    I would spend it on stuff for care packages to be sent to my husband’s platoon in Afghanistan. They are pretty much reliant on care packages to get them stuff where they are.

  8. Wendy Hollifield says:

    I would use the money to get my car out of the shop!!

  9. My husband has been very sick for almost a year now. I would use the money to take him on a little mini vacation.

  10. Annmarie Sapp says:

    Money would be used to help my grown children pay a bill

  11. Liz Taylor says:

    I would use it for bills and a little bit to treat my husband and I for a movie night, something we have not done in a long time!
    Thank you for this giveaway!!

  12. melissa kimbell says:

    I would use the prize to help pay for Christmas presents

  13. Stephanie Baker says:

    I would use the money to pay some of my son’s band camp fees or take my boys to Michigan’s Adventure! 🙂

  14. I will use the money towards the purchase of an iphone for my husband.

  15. Pauline says:

    I would shop for clothes for my family (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)

  16. i would use the money to buy my daughter a birthday dress

  17. I’d put the money toward a shade for our skylight. Who puts a skylight in a bedroom anyway??

  18. angel elkins says:

    I have only been doing coupons for 2 weeks and I would use the money to go “Deal” hunting at different stores and invest into a stock pile!

  19. Heather Silver says:

    I would use the money to pay some bills.

  20. Melanie Morin says:

    I would use the money to pay my bills, I have been unemployed for 8 months now

  21. heather mc says:

    I would use it for a date night and summer clothes.

  22. Michelle Spayde says:

    I would put this towards a groom for my very hairy Pomeranian. If anything was left over, I’d buy myself something nice!

  23. already a fan of Mommy’s Coupon Train, Melissa Bargains, and Penny Pinching Polly. I would use the money for something fun with my boys 🙂

  24. stephanie rafaelina says:

    I would use to buy myself a bday gift as my bday is next saturday! Hope I win

  25. I would use it to do something special with my children so they have a good summer break!

  26. Juana Esparza says:

    I would use the money to buy my mom a nice gift.

  27. Ericka Todd says:

    I’m saving up for new tires for my car.

    humanecats at gmail dot com

  28. Carol Smith says:

    It will be put towards paying bills

  29. Amanda J. says:

    I’d put the money towards another share in Royal Caribbean stock…

  30. I would use the prize money on a nice dinner with my family.

  31. Becky Bartlett says:

    Use it to buy the kids some Christmas gifts

  32. Teri Douyon says:

    I would use the money to pay for back to school items needed for my twin daughters junior year of high school.

  33. Joanne J says:

    I would use the money to buy groceries and pay my bills.

  34. Shannon Condie says:

    The money would go to my “Wants an Ipad fund”.

  35. Jennifer A. says:

    I would spend the money on doing something fun with my kids on the fourth of July! Haven’t been able to do that in a while.

  36. I would use it for my twins birthday!

  37. Stephanie Gaffney says:

    I would use the money for some fun summer activities for the family like trips to the zoo, aquarium, or sea world, etc.

  38. Stacy Sullivan says:

    I would go shopping with my boyfriend!

  39. Stephanie Wilson says:

    On “what I would do with the $300?” I would pay bills and spend the rest on my daughter, Addison. ?

  40. Emily Jane says:

    I would spend the money on a spa trip!

  41. Heather S says:

    I’ll be traveling across the country with my 2 little ones, by myself, in August, and I’d use some of the money to buy things to keep them entertained and half-way quiet. And a nice hair cut would be fun.

  42. I would use the money for diapers and some winter clothes for my 9 month old! My husband is getting out of the marines and we are afraid we will not be able to financially stay at leasst my daughter will have what she needs 🙂

  43. I need to purchase some new items for the kitchen, this money will be useful!

  44. I’d spend the money on new running shoes. I just started back at the gym and realized today that I need new shoes.

  45. Susan Hill says:

    I would buy my 3 girls some Christmas gifts and put them away until Christmas. My youngest was born with a heart defect. So, the money I do have pays the bills and there is not much left over to save for the holidays.

  46. I plan to spend the prize money on books, DVDs, and gifts for my cousin!

  47. Oanh Ball says:

    I would use the prize money to take my 5-year old son on Summer outings.

  48. I would use the money to help my daughter and her husband. They are expecting their 3rd child and her husband has been out of the Army for a few months and hasn’t found a job yet.

  49. Donna B. says:

    I would put it towards my new dryer fund 🙂