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In my weekly match-up posts, I frequently reference coupon clipping services. I have had several people ask me about why I “pay money” to buy coupons. To them, it seems counterproductive. I can understand why, on the surface, it might seem that way, but actually using a coupon clipping service to stock up on “hot” coupons helps me to build my stockpile and save a LOT of money in the long run.
For example, if I pay $1-2 for 10-20 coupons to get 10-20 items for free or close to free that are regularly priced at $1 each, I’m saving $8-10 and I won’t need to buy these items until they are on sale again!
In most areas, a Sunday paper ranges from $2-$2.50 in price. You could buy multiple copies of the Sunday paper, but then you probably end up with a lot of coupons that you don’t need and a lot of extra work for yourself clipping all those coupons. Using a coupon clipping service saves time and is more cost effective for me.
How do I know which coupons to stock up on?
Typically, from my experience, if there are coupons in the Sunday inserts, a sale will follow. So, if there is a coupon in the Sunday paper for an item that your family uses regularly, it’s a good idea to purchase some extras.
If there are “high dollar” or “free” coupons for items your family uses regularly, these are also great coupons to stock up on. Examples of recent coupons I have stocked up on include the $4 Gillette razor coupons..
How do I know which coupon clipping services are reliable?
Word of mouth is a great resource! You want to look for coupon clipping services with a good track record overall and good turn around time. You may also want to consider location and factor that in to how long it might take to receive your coupons.
Here are three coupon clipping services that I have used and had good experiences with:
*Collectable Coupons – There is a minimum purchase amount of $2.75 to place an order. Turn around time is quick and prices are traditionally lower than some of the other coupon clipping services.
*My Coupon Hunter ~ This is my favorite coupon clipping service. She has a subscription only service now – you can read more about that here. She ships from Florida.
*The Coupon Clippers ~ This was the first coupon clipping service I ever used, but their prices tend to be higher than the other two services and there are minimum order requirements ($3.94 including shipping/handling), so I don’t order from them much anymore. She ships from Florida.
How exactly do these coupon clipping services work?
The services receive a large number of inserts each week and you pay them a small fee (usually $.05-.40 depending on the coupon) to collect and send the coupons to you. You go in and select the coupons you want, pay the shipping and handling fees, and your coupons arrive within a few days!
It seems like the good coupons are always gone – Why can’t I find the coupons I want and need?
Like everything else, there are “supply and demand” issues and if there are hot coupons, they usually go quickly. Most coupon clipping services post their coupons early on Saturday (and sometimes even on Friday night), so it’s good to learn when they post their coupons and place your order early to make sure you get what you want. The Sunday coupon preview is usually posted by Thursday or Friday, so you can also get a “heads up” on what coupons you want to get your hands on that week!
*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information.
I have a few issues with coupon clipping services. Perhaps you can address the following:
1. I know people say that you’re not paying for the coupon, you’re paying someone to clip and send to the coupon to you. But how do you get around the fact that you’re clearly exchanging money for a product? If it were truly just a “clipping” service, you’d give them coupons you already “own” and they would clip them for you, for a fee. That’s not what happens. You’re paying money for a coupon, which is a clear violation of the terms of the coupon.
2. Where are coupon clipping services getting all the inserts from? That to me is HIGHLY suspect. Especially when they’re getting them as early as Friday or Saturday, when everyone else gets inserts on Sunday. Doesn’t that make you think they’re obtaining inserts through dubious means?
3. Why does anyone need 10, 20 or 30 of a coupon? I’m all about stocking up, but “needing” to buy 20 of one product only contributes to the ongoing problem of shelf-clearing. If we’re all going out and buy 20 or 30 of an item, that’s a problem.
4. Manufacturers DO monitor coupons that are being sold, and they have the power to void a coupon. But more commonly, when they see that a coupon is “hot” and is being sold in large numbers, they reduce the amount of the next coupon they put out. Don’t you think that hurts EVERYONE?
Tina ~
1. To be quite honest with you, I don’t have the time right now to clip coupons. If someone offered to come and clip and organize my coupons, I’d welcome that, too. But since, I don’t know anyone who offers that right now, this is the solution for me. It may not be for everyone and I completely understand and respect that.
2. Different services get their inserts from different people. In some areas, people actually get mailers with their insert coupons on Wednesdays, which is why there are previews of the insert coupons available on Wednesdays or Thursdays. I have found if you ask a coupon clipping service where they get their inserts from, they are usually willing to share that information.
3. If I can get an item for free that my family uses regularly, then I will definitely buy 20 or 30 if it means that it will keep us stocked and I won’t have to buy it again until it goes on sale again. Examples would be canned or frozen vegetables and pasta. I have never cleared a shelf in a store and am completely opposed to shelf clearing. When I am buying large quantities of an item, I have gone to multiple stores to make my purchases or made arrangements with the store to place a separate order. I am completely against shelf clearing, but I fully support stockpiling. It has gotten us through two different rounds of unemployment as well as other family emergencies which caused money to be tight.
4. I have been doing this for several years and I continue to see the same patterns in high dollar coupons. Thus far, manufacturers continue to offer the $4 Gillette Fusion coupons on a regular basis and they even continue to offer things like the $2.25 Electrasol coupons as often as they have in the past. The manufacturers are still making plenty of money and there are still plenty of people who are not using coupons.
I use lorihas3kids for my extra coupons. It is worth it.
The best way I have ever had it explained to me is like most services you have part and labor. Coupon clipping services give you parts the parts for free and all you are paying for is the service aspect.
As for buying 20-30 items it depends on your family size. I just got 40 progresso soups. We have 3 adults and an 11 year old. We will eat at least 4 cans a week, that’s not even a 3 month supply. And no I did not even come close to clearing the shelf!!
The best comparison about stockpiling and couponing is canning, and freezing. Our Mother’s, grandparents and all the way back ‘stockpiled’ when the fruits and vegetables were available and inexpensive. They had huge gardens and their pantries we would all be envious of. Nobody called them hoarders. In certain places and under certain circumstances they also stored up the meat they hunted for.
Stockpiling is wise and a good investment of our time. A full pantry is like a savings account Job loss, illness or just the dishwasher breaking can throw us in a financial tailspin. Not having to buy much at the grocery store during those times can make or break someone. What is the difference between saving 100 dollars in a bank account to spend at the store and saving 100 dollars at the grocery store and having it on hand. (plus being able to put 100 dollars in the bank)
No matter what you do, how you dress or how you believe there will always be somebody trying to tear it down. It’s sad, but life. If you don’t like coupon clipping services, or disagree with what they do, don’t use them. But certainly do not condemn people who do, or try and twist it into something bad. It’s an individual decision.
TerryLynn – thanks for your great comments! My mother in law still cans and I am in AWE of it. She’s got everything from chicken to fruits and vegetables and even makes applesauce and salsa. I wish I had her skills!! And I definitely agree that a stockpile is like an investment against emergencies!!