Coupon Basics: Where to find coupons!

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One of the most common questions I hear when people are just getting started with couponing is:  where do I find coupons?  Many times, people assume that the Sunday paper is the only place that you can find coupons, but there are lots of great resources out there!

Here’s a list of places were you can find coupons:

SUNDAY PAPER ~ One of the most common places to find coupons is in the Sunday paper.  The coupons are usually in the same section as the ads.  You can usually find one or more inserts in the Sunday paper (the exception is on holiday weekends).  You can find the 2011 Sunday insert coupon schedule here.

There are three main inserts you will find:  Smartsource (abbreviated “SS” on blogs and message boards), Red Plum (abbreviated “RP” on blogs and message boards), and Procter & Gamble (abbreviated “PG” on blogs and message boards).

ONLINE ~ There are a number of printable coupons to be found online.  The print limit on these coupons is typically limited to two per computer.  Here are some popular printable coupon sites:


* (you can usually print a second set of the same coupons that are found on




Also be sure to check out the manufacturer’s websites.  Look for a “savings” or “special offers” link.  Many of them offer printable coupons for their products.

COUPON CLIPPING SERVICES ~ Typically, the previews for coupons that will come out in the Sunday paper are available on Wednesday or Thursday.  If there are “hot” coupons for products I use and want to stock up on, I will usually buy multiple coupons from a coupon clipping service.  Most coupon clipping services charge a flat rate of $.05-$.40 per coupon (depending on how popular the coupon is).  Some of them place limits on the number of “like” coupons you can purchase and some of them also require a minimum order.  Most coupon clipping services also charge a shipping and handling fee.

Here are some of the services I have used and been pleased with:

*Collectable Coupons

*My Coupon Hunter ~ This is my favorite coupon clipping service.  She doesn’t have minimum purchase requirements, turn around time is quick, and her communication is great!  She ships from Florida.

The Coupon Clippers
*The Coupon Clippers ~ This was the first coupon clipping service I ever used, but their prices tend to be higher than the other two services and there are minimum order requirements, so I don’t order from them much anymore.

EBAY – eBay is another resource for purchasing multiple coupons.  I usually only do this if there is only one “hot” coupon I’m looking for because then I can purchase multiples (10-20) for $1-$2.  Some of my favorite “sellers” are kalamazooclipper, lisajanet81, dans-katys-coupons, and forever_johnson. If you are buying coupons through a seller on eBay, be sure to check feedback. I typically only buy coupons there with a “Buy it Now” option. Also, make sure you look at the shipping costs.

PRODUCT PACKAGING – Some products have a “peelie” coupon on the outside that can be peeled off and used toward that purchase. Many products also have coupons on the box or inside the box.

BLINKIE MACHINES – Blinkie machines are the machines you will find in stores that have the blinking red light and spit out coupons. Most of the time, these coupons are not store specific!  Typically, though, they cannot be doubled or tripled if your stores double or triple coupons.

TEAR PADS – Tear pads are coupons that are typically found on displays of products in stores. They are sometimes also found on the doors in the refrigerated or frozen foods sections.

ALL YOU MAGAZINE – this magazine is found only at Walmart and contains a number of coupons. The cost at Walmart is $2.49 per issue, but you can usually find subscriptions for $10 for one year or $20 for two years through school fundraisers. This link will tell you how you can get a discounted subscription:

FREE SAMPLES – Each Friday, I post ‘Freebie Friday’ items. Make sure you check the packaging because they usually include coupons with the free sample items.

CONTACT THE MANUFACTURER – Do you have a product that you LOVE and can never seem to find coupons for? Try contacting the manufacturer to tell them how you feel about their product. Most companies have a “contact us” link and you can easily just e-mail them. I have gotten some great (and even free) coupons by doing this. The coupons usually have late expiration dates, too! It only takes a few minutes, but it is so worth it!

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information.


  1. […] 1.  Start collecting coupons! Coupons are not just in the Sunday papers anymore.  There are lots of great resources for finding coupons.  Check out my post here on “Where to Find Coupons” for more information. […]

  2. […] 2.  Stock up on coupons for items that you know your family will use – you can do this by buying multiple papers, trading coupons, using a coupon clipping service, or … dumpster diving (I’ve never tried this personally, but I know there are lots of couponers out there who do)  Check out my post here on where to find coupons for more ideas. […]

  3. Tuesday Tips: So You Want To Be An Extreme Couponer? | I Love Crackers! says:

    […] 2.  Stock up on coupons for items that you know your family will use – you can do this by buying multiple papers, trading coupons, using a coupon clipping service, or … dumpster diving (I’ve never tried this personally, but I know there are lots of couponers out there who do)  Check out my post here on where to find coupons for more ideas. […]