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If your kids love getting mail, this is the perfect deal! Get a one year subscription to Boys Life Magazine for just $4.76! That’s just $.39 per issue, which is less than the cost of a stamp!
Boys Life is an award-winning magazine for all boys ages 7-18. Boys Life brings the reader adventure, fun and excitement in every issue. Inside every issue of Boys Life you’ll find both fiction and non-fiction, great jokes, scouting tips and examples of good citizenship. There are also articles on the great outdoors, science, sports, history, hobbies and more that cater to the needs and interests of young men everywhere.
Click here to get this deal–> Boys Life Magazine Subscription only $4.76
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Save on these magazine subscriptions, too:
- Family Circle Magazine – $3.75 for a one year subscription
- Family Fun Magazine – $3.75 for a one year subscription
- Weight Watchers Magazine – $3.75 for a one year subscription
See more online deals here–> Online shopping deals
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