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It appears that the rumors that Walmart was going to begin is true in some areas (sadly, my area is not one of them).
Here’s the scoop thanks to We Use Coupons:
1. They will double manufacturer’s coupons up to $.99 (I haven’t ever seen a coupon for $.99, but if you have a coupon for $.75, this means it will double and $1.50 would be deducted)
2. You should be able to price match AND use double coupons!
3. You must present the item with the coupon that you are doubling because they have to add the double coupons in manually (this means you really have to be organized – go at an “off” time like early in the morning or late at night if you’re doing it for the first time so all of the other customers waiting in line don’t get too upset)
The “doubles” pilot program has been confirmed in the following areas:
-Findlay, OH
-Madison, OH
-Utah County, UT (7 stores are reportedly participating)
-Charleston, WV
-Huntington, WV
-Wayne, WV
Is your store participating in the “doubles” program? Have you checked it out yet? What did you think?
For more information about how to “double” coupons, check out this post here.
(Thanks We Use Coupons!)