Alpo canned dog food $.35 per can at Pet Smart!

If your dog eats Alpo canned dog food, there is a printable coupon for $1.50/10 cans of Alpo canned dog food.  It’s on sale at Pet Smart this week, so you can get it for as low as $.35 per can after coupon!

Click here to print your coupon–>$1.50 off 10 cans of Alpo canned dog food coupon

Here’s the breakdown on this deal at Pet Smart:

Buy Alpo canned dog food – $.50 (sale price)

Use $1.50 off 10 cans of Alpo canned dog food coupon

Final Price = $.35 per can (when you buy 10 cans)

Here are some other deals you can grab if you don’t have a Pet Smart nearby: 


Purina Alpo dog food – $.79/each
$1.50/10 Purina Alpo printable coupon
Final Price = $.64/each after coupon (when you buy 10)


Purina Alpo dog food – $.67/each
BOGO free Purina printable (Facebook)
$1.50/10 Purina Alpo dog food printable coupon
Final Price = $.34/each (when you buy 2)

(Thanks Coupon Clippin’ Daddy!)

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information

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