Aldi deals for the week of 2/12-2/18

Thanks to Coupon Clippin Daddy for this week’s deals.

If you are new to shopping, at Aldi’s, here’s their coupon policy: or lack there-of since they don’t actually take coupons!

  • Aldi’s does not take coupons of any kind.
  • At Aldi’s, you will have to bag your own groceries and pay a quarter to get a cart. The quarter is reimbursed when the cart is returned.
  • You’ll need to bring in your own reusable grocery bags or you’ll have to purchase them in the store.

Here are some of the Aldi’s highlights for the week:  remember to check out Coupon Clippin’ Daddy for the rest of the deals!  It’s hard to judge what a “good deal” is since cost of living varies so much in various parts of the country, but these are all “good deals” by my standards in a low to moderate cost of living area

Grapes (2lbs)   $1.98

Cantaloupe   $1.29 each

Grapefruit   $0.29 each

Tyson Fresh Beef Pot Roast Kit   $7.99 (Available 2/15)

Friendly Farms All Natural Greek Yogurt   $0.89

Fit & Active Devil’s Food Chocolate Cake Cookies   $1.19

Lunch Buddies Applesauce Cups   $1.29

Savoritz 4 Kids Mini Cheese or PB Crackers   $1.99

Clancy’s Olive Oil Potato Chips   $1.79

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